Transporting Gecko Eggs

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Active Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Has anyone ever had to transport gecko eggs (or any other herp eggs for that matter) outside of an incubator (if that makes sense)? If so, how did you go about doing this?

I am buying a pair of knobbies and the female is due to lay soon - the eggs have been offered to me should she lay before I get to her - but I don't know if it would be good for the eggs or not...

Any thoughts/opinions would be much appreciated!!

Depends how they are going to be transported, If it was going by a freight company by air or road then i would say to just cut your losses and hope she lays more clutches.
If your picking the animal and eggs up your self then just fill a tub 3/4 with moist vermiculite, add the eggs and then fill it up the rest of the way with moist vermiculite, wack on the lid and avoid bumps on the road.
If you dont have to go too far to get home and put them in an incubator then it shouldn`t be a problem.:D
Thanks for that geck82... I was thinking along those lines but thought I'd better ask because I really wasn't sure. I'll definitely be picking them up myself. I'll be using perlite instead of vermiculite though... Do i need to keep them warm? I was going to take an esky with me as well - its still a bit chilly where I am at the moment.

Thanks again! :)
Your welcome, It couldn`t hurt putting them in an esky the more precautions the better. The main thing you want to do is make sure there is minimal movement so you may even want to pack some scrunched up newspaper around the container in the esky.:)
Eggs are fine to move, just leave them in the container their in and take care not to drop the container and move the eggs. Slightly bury the eggs so as they arn't rolling around with slight bumps, and it's a good idea to mark the tops of the eggs with a blunt pencil so you know which way they go if they do roll. Moderate temp changes over a short period shouldn't effect them.
Saying that.. are the eggs being offered for free?? as I wouldn't be paying for eggs, they arn't all fertile, and even if they are, they don't all hatch
Thanks heaps for that JasonL and thanks again Geck82 :)

Yes, the eggs are being offered for free - I kinda wanted the eggs to still be inside the gecko when I go and get her but obviously you can't make them do that LOL.

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