It's occurred to me recently that I really put things off when I'm dreading them.. It's taken me months to get up to where I'm up to with the rendering. And I'm not even quite finished! So close to being finished rendering that I'm hoping to knock it over so that I can start painting this weekend.
Anyway, I decided to get off my ___ and get some hideous pictures together for you guys. Honestly, once I started rendering it, this thing looked shockingly bad. It's only now starting to come together and look like something remotely acceptable to the eye.. haha (though I'm still not overly happy with it)
One disappointing thing that I really should have expected, was I lost all of the texture (pretty well) that I painstakingly etched into the styrofoam with a soldering iron months ago. All gone.. At least I'll know what to expect next time (assuming I decide to work with render again).
So this is the render I used, nothing earth shattering... Just some acrylic render I picked up at Bunnings.
I know this stuff looks like septic sludge or Shrek soup, but I assure you it's render. For my first coat, I wanted to colour it in some way, so that it would be easily visible which areas still needed additional coats. Problem was, I had nothing to colour it with, so out of desperation I ended up dumping in some imitation saffron.. Yeah.. I'm really not sure why an orange powder that stains everything yellow would make this stuff go green, but there you have it. Imitation saffron makes render go green.
Of course, once it dried it yellowed out quite a bit (still a slight green tinge), and actually looked kind of cool here, from a distance. But this was only the first coat and was very thin and crumbly and awful up close, plus it hadn't really taken between the "bricks". I noticed once I started on the second coat I started to lose a lot of my brick texture, which made me die a little inside (mostly because of the amount of time it took to texture all the bricks, not to mention risk of toxic inhalation I faced! lol)
This is a few days ago, when I decided once again that I'd been putting it off too long and started rendering again. I don't know if anyone else made as much of a mess as I did (these photos really don't show the extent of it), but boy did I make a mess. I made a mess that my friend's 3 year old kid who splatters half of every meal against the wall/floor/furniture and ends up wearing the other half would marvel at.
[And yes, in the picture above, that was a cake-icer.. I was having a hell of a time trying to render in between the gaps. I tried several basters, syringes and cake-icers. Broke all of them, plus the 5 brushes I destroyed... Go team!]
At this point I'm really not overly pleased with how it's turning out, it's lost a lot of it's definition and texture, but it might still be redeemable once it's painted and covered in plants! I'll get some more pictures of it once the rendering is finished and all dry, and I've done a proper clean-up around the edges. I'm looking forward to painting, hopefully I can do something interesting with it. I just want this rendering to be behind me! Dreadful stuff :shock:
Any suggestions as to brick colour for when I start painting?