whatever you do, don't use Bepanthen on pythons. Bepanthen is great stuff on humans. I used it for years on myself when I was cycling & grazes were a part of life. There's nothing better than Bepanthen for grazes etc on humans, but I won't put it on pythons again.
My experience: I have an adult BHP fem which was burnt as a hatchling by a previous owner. Each time she sheds I put silvazine on the burns & it works a treat, so much so that the burn scars are almost gone & now she sheds in one piece, scars & all. Last Summer I ran out of Silvazine & used Bepanthen instead & it irritated her no end & she constantly shed for several months, didn't eat, lost weight & almost died. She constantly rubbed 24/7 & only laid still if she was under the garden hose. Eventually she settled & stopped sloughing but her skin was tender for a long time.
I don't know if she had an allergic-like reaction or an intollerance to it which was peculiar to her alone, but I won't be trying it again. Lash out the cash & use Silvazine.
Good luck,
Col J.