No way,, they are easy!!!!!! I have found them to be the easiest Lizard we have!!! You need to accomidate their needs and they settle in just fine. I have 2 breeders I am in contact with. One of them will have hatchies hatching next week and the other will have them ready in May. I am looking to get a couple more. They are such a great pet. The guy I got my Adult from here on the Gold Coast is a herp Demonstrator and he couldn't get it eating, he had it for 3 months and had to sell him as he wouldn't eat. I think it was because he was in a room with Inland Taipans and he could sense them, he could also see an Adult Spencer Monitor from his enclosure!!! The first 5 minute of having him home he ate 5 fuzzy mice out of my hand!!! I think you need to give them somewhere that they can't see or sense anything that will be a danger to them, then they are fine. I suggest getting one for sure!!!! I can't get mine eating vegies though.