Urgent help!

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Hi guys, Just to set some things straight about my daughters turtle. I did not ignorantly buy him and have no idea. We have a friend who has many different species of turtles who I rang within 30 minutes of buying him. He told me worms, feeder fish, frozen or fresh white bait or lettuce. My daughter as usual gets on here as she was excited as I told her on my way home. The guy I bought it off actually brought it for a guy that I very well know mistreats animals as he gives them to his 3 year old nephew and they know absolutely nothing about keeping this kind of animal and he has told me stories about what they did to the last turtle (Not sure if it was fact or foe). So I am sorry to anybody who was offended at me buying this turtle but as far as I am concerned I have saved this turtle from a cruel and very short life. I would buy 100 more off him because I know we will do the best for the turtles and give them a safe, happy and content life.

Lisa (Redeyed girl's mum)
PS: So Tatelina Im not sure what would have been worse, an unprepared home or a sadistic person who couldn't careless about this animals welfare.
Hi Lisa,

Thanks for setting things straight.

This site is full of helpful and friendly turtle keepers:

A good diet consists of freshwater fish, freshwater yabbies, freshwater prawns, freshwater snails and tadpoles.

Whilst turtles may eat worms, white bait and possibly lettuce, these are not necessarily healthy for them. The salt in white bait can cause them to die from renal failure.

Well done on saving the turtle. It's good to know the whole story and that the turtle will actually be well cared for.

Thanks Michael,
He is in his temporary home tonight and has a big smile on his face. I will no doubt be in contact with you for more q's. Oh and BTW we nearly died when we realised we have a male turtle. Something came out almost the size as his neck from his other end and my daughter laughed her head off. So I suppose we have a BOY!
There seems to be far too much b**ch*ng going on. A lot of people use this website to ask questions from people who have more experience with some particular animals than they do. So far it seems that all most people have is a massive lack of experience on how to be generous and helpful. START PRACTICING - THIS IS THE PLACE FOR IT!!
If other readers and users of this site genuinely care about the welfare of this turtle, help the owners with something useful to say, not your narky attitude-ridden sarcasm.
Although I don't know a lot about keeping and feeding turtles, I hope you find some more people who can help you. Congrats to those people on this site who have tried. It'd be pretty sad to find a site full of so many 'experts', when barely any are interested in sharing their wisdom.
Long live your little turtle.
Hey guys so cool, my turtle ate his first earthworm yesterday afternoon, but we didnt c him eat it, dropped in the water and it was gone in about 5 mins. and had another today.

Um im not sure, well it isnt a tank but we had a water tank so dad cut it in half and made a turtle dock and we are going to cover the ramp in fake graas or any other suggestions so he has more grip. And what is the normal size for an estern snake neck caus when people come over the first thing they want to c is the turt!!!Im having a vote what shall i call him?Squirtle or another name your decision

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