Urgent please! :)

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Not so new Member
Jun 29, 2012
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hi everyone, my olive python won't eat anymore.... about 4 weeks about he had 2 large meals. it's the middle of winter and he's not ever interested in anything... please help. and for anyone that brings up stuff aobtu my putting 2 different snakes together. you will be banned and blocked.
dont stress... it is winter, only 1 of 10+ of my snakes has eaten in the last month...
Relax, dude, it's winter. Even if you keep the snake at summers temperatures, instinctively it may refuse food. This is a very common occurance.

Just wait it out.
dont stress... it is winter, only 1 of 10+ of my snakes has eaten in the last month...
yer but my mate says that he isn't big enough to go that long :( he wants to try force feed him....
It could be a couple of things; it could be heat related (i.e. it's winter and it's cooling itself) or it could be stress related (read into that what you will but if it's a wild caught animal it might be stressed more easily than a captive bred specimen). If it's a decent size and has previously fed well I wouldn't worry too much as it's winter so it's fairly natural for most older snakes to go for a while without eating.
DO NOT force feed it. So far there is no reason to be doing that, and you could do more harm than good. Even a hatchling can make it through winter without food, so size doesn't mean a thing.
Why are you asking for help? Last time you asked for help not only did you completely ignore all advice given but you were rude and obnoxious to those giving it at the same time.
. and for anyone that brings up stuff aobtu my putting 2 different snakes together. you will be banned and blocked.

Who made you mod? Ever thought that sharing its enclosure with a larger snake of another species might be adding to its stress levels?
hi everyone, my olive python won't eat anymore.... about 4 weeks about he had 2 large meals. it's the middle of winter and he's not ever interested in anything... please help. and for anyone that brings up stuff aobtu my putting 2 different snakes together. you will be banned and blocked.

What? He ate 2 large feeds four weeks ago? One after the other? How large?
It's a snake, not a dog. It's the middle of winter as you say, do you have any idea what this means
for your snake?
You can't ban and block people either, that's just silly.
it also could be stessed because it is with anothe unfamiliar snake ie your coastal and i agree with sarah
A healthy 2m olive can last the rest of the year without a feed. I wouldn't worry. Don't let IMPATIENCE get the better of you. If there are no noticeable signs of illness, then chances are the snake is fine and will start feeding again when it is ready.
2m.... if it is just in hybernation.im thinking it'll be fine... BUT just because im thinking it is cooling dosent mean it is...
but remember you know everything kodie so everyone he doesnt need our help he will probs forcefeed it tomorow anyway
1. i'm not here to pick fights ok. unlike the last one. i admit i was wrong... but i'm here to listen cause i'm a little worried... he had 2 bigger than fist size meals.. and he wasn't eating before i put him with my coastal... hasn't been eating for about 2 weeks, hasn't even been interested in a meal. i've only put them together 2 days ago so i don't think it anything to do with that. normal it doesn't matter if he's been feed he will still try to eat more.

yes that thread :( :facepalm:
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