Ven Snake handling Courses-QLD

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Not so new Member
Apr 20, 2006
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Brisbane , QLD
Just wondering if anyone knows of any up-comming venoumous snake handling courses happening around Brisbane (or sth qld). Or any other way of attaining a specialist endorsement through the QLD EPA.

Ive got 2 refference letters from other Qld Specialist permit holders, and have over 2 years experience keeeping snakes. My only intension is to keep either a red belly, collets,or spotted black snake.

Oh, and do you also need a specialist endorsement to keep a colubrid (i.e a brown tree or slatey grey).

Any Info would be highly appreciated. :)
Dee, you don't need the specialist endorsement to keep a colubrid, they can be kept on a normal recreational wildlife permit.

I don't hold a specialist permit, my partner does (and the laws have changed since he got it) and so I'm not actually 100% positive whether or not you absolutely have to do a course through the EPA to get it, I would suggest though that you contact them directly tomorrow and ask when the next one comes up and if it's necessary to do it in order to get the permit. It certainly sound like all the other requirements necessary have been filled though.

Kris did a course with the EPA after getting his DMP and specialist permit as he was asked to by the local QPWS ranger and his experience with it was shocking to say the least. He and one other class member were the only people present with any experience hadnling any snakes (much less elapids) the rest were council workers, QPWS rangers, ambulance officers and police officers. On two seperate occasions one of the female members of the class was nearly bitten by an eastern brown as they were using tongs (which can not only damage the snake, but can be akward to use). The tongs used on this occasion were not only just 2 feet long, but also broke as the brown was being handled. The class was constantly told to "do as I say not as I do" as the big hero who was the instructor dangerously handled the snakes (particularly irresponsible when done in front of people who for the most part had no idea how to handle any snake at all). I guess what I'm trying to say (in my usual long winded manner) is that while it may be necessary to do the course....take it with a pillar (not a grain) of salt.

Cheers (and good luck) Kersten.
Hi Kersten, Thanks for the info. Ive contacted the EPA in regards to keeping restricted reptiles. They advised, a course must be compleated along with a letter explaining your knowledge and experince with snakes.
I think your also required to only keep a member of the black snake family for the first 2 years, then you get a full licence.

I also dont beleive in using snake tongs. And why of all elapids did they use a eastern brown at the course. Thats just silly.

Ok, Im off slatey grey shopping.
Thanks again, Dee.
G'day djai, I'm Kerstens partner.
At the course, to pass you HAD to use tongs. The "expert" had the class use tongs on quite a few snakes, we had to start off with pythons(yep, had to tong a Water Python and a carpet) then we did Black Snakes then the Browns. If I had the chance to do the course again I'd tape the whole thing and send the tape to the RSPCA. It was that bad. The instructor was your typical little showman and the "Do as I say, not as I do " attitude really got under my skin. In Brisbane you will more than likely not have this clown for the course.

Silly is a HUGE understatement. I still can't believe that they put people with absolutely no experience with handling snakes lives at risk for a piece of paper.

Be careful,Kris.
I would suggest that there may have been some changes since your course Kris(I hope) I am led to believe that an inquest into the death of a Prks employee trained by the EPA died as a result of the training they recived in the use of tongs.
I dont know the full story. I think David Williams would know a lot more about it.

ps, this is scuttlebutt so i could have the story completely wrong.
I hope so too. I hadn't heard about the case you mentioned, but a week after the course I was in was completed one of the women in the class was bitten by a De Vis' Banded Snake and required 24 hours hospitalisation.
hello, i recently got my restricted permit to keep elapids, this is what i did..
i had ONE reference from a person who has this permit saying that they have witnessed me working with elapids etc.
I then had an interview style meeting with Parks and Wildlife they questioned knowledge, checked all my current enclosures and reptiles , checked all record books and movement advices etc.
they are pretty strict when applying for these permits understandble, so all i can say is be ready!!!
my tip is dont talk to ecoaccess because the advice they give you will depend on who you talk to!! talk to parks and wildlife as they are the people who approve or reject your application.
Congratulations on getting your restricted permit Mrboajangles :D What are you planning on keeping, if you don't mind me asking?
thanks mate!!
my girlfirend will only let me keep death adders!!! so my aim.... to keep a pair of every sub species of death adder!!! that will show her!!
pmsl wow :shock: ONLY allowed to keep death adders :lol: Why on earth did she pick just adders?? I love the little blighters, that caudial lure is the best piece of trickery ever :D
hehe what does pmsl mean?? well i really like death adders, the way i convinced her.. 1 they are a snake that doesnt move much, so when i open the enclosure it wont be climbing all over me, 2. i wouldnt have to touch it (all going well) because it would be crazy to touch one(with out a hook obviously) 3 they dont take up much room. 4. if something goes wrong as much as they are extremly poisonous, there venom is pretty strait forward and antivenom does work very well apparently. So if i keep my distance i will be ok!! anyway in my opinion they are a great starter
pmsl means urinating myself laughing....
It also helps if they like you. I know some one that was refused after previously holding a specialist licence before but had eventually down graded to a restricted. They also had references supplied by some of most well known reptile demonstrators and keepers in this country but was told by the department that people earning a living by educating and displaying snakes were not deemed to be professional in their eyes. They could have appealed the decision and forced the departments hand in court but couldn’t be bothered with all the headache.
Supertaipan said:
Was just wondering, excuse my ignorance but do elapid keepers keep anti venene on there premises ?

No, there are several reason, these being

a. the stuff is extreamely expensive,

b. apparently its got a relatively short shelf life

c. lots of people can suffer a reaction from the serum. Being made from equine blood, the human body doesn't readily except it. Most people I know of who have been bitten and received the serum have suffered from "serum sickness".
Getting back on subject, even though Sean from is Melbourne based, he does so courses in Queensland. Give him a buzz and find out when he's next comming up.
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