Vermiculite ratio

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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I have read for the vemiculite it is either 1:1, so i gather this means 100g vermiculite to 100g water, i have also read you can do it a bit dryer for some species, this being 60:40, so i gather this means 120g vermiculite to 80g water.

I got told for spotted the best mix is 60:40, but then was also told to do 100g of vermiculite to 40g of water.

So which should i do?

Would you think the 120g to 80g or the 100g to the 40g?

I hope this makes sense i just want to check that we have the right mix, as this afternoon we have to move the eggs from where they are incubating now into a better container, Damien bought a container that had a lid with a indent in it and we figure the water could pool on this so are going out to buya container with a flat lid when he knocks off work.
You can put a chock under one end of the container so the lid is on a slant and any water will run to the edge and down the walls instead of dripping on the eggs.If weighing is to technical 10:1 by volume vermiculite to water is about right.
lol nah weighing isn't too difficult but i have been told different ratios so thought i would check.

I got told to do 100g vermiculite to 40g water, which would then give a 10:4 ratio, and i always thought it was better at 6:4.
imo the 1:1 ratio is a bit wet for all pythons, especially for desert species and species that have large eggs.
60/40 is probally a good ratio. I do it all by feel and how much or little condesation forms in the egg container so i dont know the weight ratio i use.
I only like to see the slightest bit of condensation at the very most, this will hatch all our python eggs with ease.
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