very snappy bredli

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Jul 17, 2013
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i recently purchased a bredli hatchy
initially everything was fine and he never struck for the first two weeks
but for the last two weeks he has been very protective of his enclosure and even once out is still striking at every move

is this normal and/or what are the best ways to overcome this?
Hi he may be coming on to a shed my younger snakes are usially more agressive that normal if they are either hungry or are about to shed. Doyou feed him n his enclosure some snakes become cage defensive and others dont. Also if he or she bites you dont put it straight back in he or she will think biting = put back in enclosure.
Just keep handling it will grow out of it eventually.
Cheers Cameron
It sounds totally normal for a bredli hatchy. The one I used to have was a cranky little bugger when he was a baby, especially around his enclosure. What made a difference was using a hook to get him out of his enclosure rather sticking my hands in there, which must have looked really threatening to a little snake. As he got bigger, he mellowed and just became like a big puppy.
I have 2 6 foot bredli that were very cranky to begin with but have mellowed a bit, but they still can get pretty huffy with me at times, I have a young BHP that is 9 months old and about 3 foot long and it is the crankiest bloody thing going until ya pick it up, can't even walk past it's cage without it getting snakes at me. Just just it time and cope a few bites and it will calm down. Just remember to stay calm and don't get all tense when it's carrying on while you are holding it, that will make it more cranky
haha all of the above, snake vision is not that good, things moving about are just shapes, he she as a hatchie will take time to adjust to movement around it and with more handling he she will eventually become desensitized to all the shapes and movements around it and not think that everything that moves is either food or a danger, and when handling do it in the mornings when hatchie is cool, slower reaction time :)
My Bredli was very appropriately named "Snap" when i got him. For the first 6 months, i would just hold him and get bitten over and over again. I would handle him in short periods of 10 or 15 minutes. Usually in a low light, quiet place and i wouldn't put him back until he had sat calmly for a few minutes at least. He's almost 2 years old now and i don't think i could get him to bite me if i tried. He is an absolute puppy dog.

Time, patience and effort are the key. Good luck.
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