regarding substrate, id do both, give her dry sand in the tank, and wet sand in the bdig box, mine are all on bunnings playsand, ive never had ANY roblems with impaction, or anything else sand realated ofr that matter, they do love to dig, so even if just for entertainment sand is nice,...
if you can get her out in teh sun that would be an awesome UVB boost, i dont use UVB's in the enclosures, i just make sure they get a few hours of sun a week (i generally manage 2-3 days of 2-3 hours) and that seems sufficient.
dont leave her alone,obviously, i have a bunch of mesh cages u can buy from reptile stores so she is well ventilated, and safe, you do need to make sure 1 end always has shade tho.
ive never had to force a needle down a lizards throat, ive alwaus found that once they start licking something mushy, they tend to continue, dilute ur food of choice till it runs thru a syringe smoothly, and put a drop on her nose. you can either wait, or press ur fingernail between her lips so she tastes it, my experience has been that once she starts licking you can just keep squirting in in her mougth as she licks, ive had some pretty sick lizards happily take food that way.
also i would call the vet clinic and demand a call back, youre paying good money forl good service, and you have the right to get answers. i am appalled that theyre not talking to you when youre obviously very dedicated to ur pet!!
how is she today?
if you can get her out in teh sun that would be an awesome UVB boost, i dont use UVB's in the enclosures, i just make sure they get a few hours of sun a week (i generally manage 2-3 days of 2-3 hours) and that seems sufficient.
dont leave her alone,obviously, i have a bunch of mesh cages u can buy from reptile stores so she is well ventilated, and safe, you do need to make sure 1 end always has shade tho.
ive never had to force a needle down a lizards throat, ive alwaus found that once they start licking something mushy, they tend to continue, dilute ur food of choice till it runs thru a syringe smoothly, and put a drop on her nose. you can either wait, or press ur fingernail between her lips so she tastes it, my experience has been that once she starts licking you can just keep squirting in in her mougth as she licks, ive had some pretty sick lizards happily take food that way.
also i would call the vet clinic and demand a call back, youre paying good money forl good service, and you have the right to get answers. i am appalled that theyre not talking to you when youre obviously very dedicated to ur pet!!
how is she today?