WA reptile licence help

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Not so new Member
Jan 1, 2010
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hey guys,

i'm wierded out by a few questions on the form, one says "personal experience and ability in keeping herpetofauna?" i've had no experience, this is going to be my first snake, so what would i put down? the amount of study ive put into it?

Then next comes this, "Attach written reference(s) supporting this application. These reference(s) should detail the applicants experience and ability in keeping herpetofauna"
once again no experience, do i just go to my local reptile store and prove that i know what i need to know about this particular snake? and from there he/she writes his approval. :shock:

thanks for your help.
as long as you are not going for a cat 5 licence, just put that you've read numerous books and internet sites.

thats all i did and i got the licence in 4 days from when i sent it off.
as long as you are not going for a cat 5 licence, just put that you've read numerous books and internet sites.

thats all i did and i got the licence in 4 days from when i sent it off.

ahh sweet as, so you dont have to worry about the written reference?
Nope. I think thats only for the cat 5 licence.

I dont think they worry too much about the cat 3 or below licence. As long as you havent had any convictions under the wildlife act.
cat 4

cheers bro.
i want to go for my cat 4 licence and on some sites it says i don't need to of haqd cat 3 for 12 months but on another site it say i do whati s the right information because i know alot about the type of snke i need which is the woma and i know what i need to look after it
Yes to get a cat 4 licen e you need to have kept a cat 3 animal for a year without loss or death and kept up to date with paperwork. Cat3 requires no prior knowledge or experience
i want to go for my cat 4 licence and on some sites it says i don't need to of haqd cat 3 for 12 months but on another site it say i do whati s the right information because i know alot about the type of snke i need which is the woma and i know what i need to look after it

You need to keep a Cat. 3 animal for 12 months or prove you have experience. I havent heard of anyone skipping the 12 months recently but back when licensing came into being people who had kept under reg 17 licences, relocators or people from interstate who had kept Cat 4 species were allowed to jump straight into Cat. 4 or 5.
One of many flaws in the system is that you have to have a cat 3 animal for 12 months. Why should someone have to have a stimi for 12 months just to get a woma or BHP. I have found BHP's no harder to keep than Cat 3 pythons. So you end up with animals you dont really want in the first place. All pythons should be cat 3.... Maybe they will make it like the rest of Australia one day.
Agreed :(
I plan to retire out of state just to enjoy the hobby to it's fullest. 35 years to go.....
im working with reptiles now at my workplacement and ive been taut by rian bush and ive helped my friend with his snankes so i dont know if that would help me in any way

and i know alot of information on the python i want
No it won't help. Put it this way, there is a lady in pannawonica who has been doing radio tracking with olive pythons for DEC, reg 17 holder, helping the WA museum with Wellsi studies and they won't even let her go for a cat 4 without having a cat 3 first.

Also how old are you?

Ask Brian to write you a reference detailing your understandings and abilities and experience at keeping snakes. Brian is actually held in good standing by DEC despite some of his head to head conflicts. There is absolutely no guarantee that it will assist. However, if it the desk of the right person who knows who Brian is, on the right day, you may get lucky. It is worth a try. Should than fail, as has been pointed out, you will need to do 12 months apprenticeship with a Cat 3 animal.

As for the expertise required to keep various pythons, the West Australian Herpetological Society (WAHS) has been working to get a number of species reclassified to truly reflect their husbandry requirements. A fly in the ointment is, if you look at the criteria for each category, that husbandry alone is not the sole determining factor. Whatever gains WAHS does make, rest assured itwill at least be more equitable and realistic than what currently exists.

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