WARNING For People Lending Snakes As Breeding Loans

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I'm over the moon you two! Look forward to catching up soon, we're LONG overdue for that Sunny Coast herp trip! See you's at the S&T expo, first round's on me. You-know-who, if you're reading this, I'd advise against showing YOUR face there again. Ever.
Leanne and Wayne this is wonderful news. Promse me when the dust has settled you will write a letter detailing what has happened to the ombudsman requesting that they intervene for you and ask for justification for the DECC's behaviour and a review of procedure. At the very least DECC will be required to respond which will increase someones workload which is only natural justice after what has happened. There has to be some accountability.... imagine if you did not have the strength to keep going the way you have...the DECC would have just done what they felt like with no accountability at all...and they had no right to put you in the poweless position they did....and I suspect on reflection they realised this and that is why you got your animals back.

Colin I think your idea for an association is excellent....what would be wonderful is a skills audit of members...there must be people out there with a wide range of skills and experience that we could call on for situations such as this. For example I am sure that somewhere...surely there is a lawyer...who keeps reptiles.... we could have called on to support and advise Leanne and Wayne. If we could get organised then it will be harder for the 'powers that be' to treat us the way that they do.

I am really looking forward to photographs of the babies......


Fantastic news guys!!.
If anything this might have changed things for the better, as painful/stressful as it was for you guys. I really hope the government mob(s) get their act together now so this doesn't happen again. I also hope all the people responsible are made accountable for what they have done, or let happen.
May I say again, you guys are so amazing, thank you again for all your love and support, you have no idea what this means to Wayne and I...:):)
We have quarantined all the animals and we are working on getting them back to peak condition, I do not want to post photos ATM due to their condition but I promise I will in the next few weeks.
I have cried many tears today both in happiness that we got the animals back, even though it was a tough fight, but also in great sadness that the animals were not looked after..:(:(
If only they were given back in the first instance thing would have been so much better both for us, them and most importantly, the animals.......
Life deals some cruels blows at times, but we can speak up, animals can't.

Please stay in touch all of you and thanks again from the bottom of our hearts.

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Hi Jewelz,
Congrats to you and Wayne for getting your snakes back.
Just a question?
Were the authorities shocked by the condition of the animals?
If so, do you think they have learnt anything after all this?
And in the end the battle was won. Pitty it turned into a battle in the first place.

Also to the DECCW/OEH (or what ever you are named today) department and the animal welfare organisations (that really didn't care in this case) have a good look long at yourselves. You seem to have lost sight of what your job is that is not being in the office and governing by regulation or popular opinion. It is providing a service, taking action and getting a result.

Hi Fay,
They had know idea about snakes what so ever, they were extremely nervous about us being there and did not even know a coastal from a jungle or Darwin etc...........what else can I say! Apparently the RSPCA were present when the animals were seized but they would not give us any information or let us view the other animals....:( we are now in the process of applying for the others to be released to us and the persons involved in this matter to never ever hold a reptile license again.
Thanks for your support throughout this Fay,

Leanne xo
Hey guys...

Have only just sat down after getting all the little guys settled in with full time heat for a few days, in a room of their own for the next 12 months or more and clean water.

our little Spikey (Central Bearded Dragon) was very under-nourished with a lot of loose skin, you could even see on his face and the other snakes as to how scared they were. But to our surprise, we also got Spiky's enclosure back which he use to love. But when we got it home, we had to clean the disgusting mess that was left in his enclosure (rotting kitty litter that hasn't been changed for god knows how many months along with dead woodies and rotting crickets. After we spent hours cleaning and bathing it in F10, we filled it up with his favourite reptile sand and all his furniture and when we put him in, you could literally see him come alive. We then started out by giving him some fresh crickets (around 10 all dusted) and it was like he had never been fed before, he polished every one of them off, so I went down to our fridge and got another 10 meal worms out, he also polished them off. I've never seen him eat so much in one setting, so he was obviously starving :( But now he has a full tummy and is resting under his heat lamp, I'm sure you can see a smile on his face :) Leanne was in tears

And just to let everyone know.... the other 4 pythons along with spiky we got back were the only ones we lent out to the two in question. So yes, we have got everything back including spiky's enclosure which we thought we would never see again. But the total that was seized from the property in Alstonville was 17, plus our 5.

Before we left from the Gold Coast this morning, we called NSW Parks and said we are coming down to get our animals. The admin assistant said that all the park rangers were out on field jobs and would not be back till 4pm, we said we are coming down anyway! We arrived around 2pm NSW time and we were surprised to see 2 or 3 park rangers appear with paper work in hand asking if we were Mr & Mrs Webb? Well... Leanne and I just looked at one another like What the hell has happened? They couldn't help us enough, they explained everything and said they have our animals and there on there way to the NSW Parks office as we speak and they assured us they were well looked after, they were all very nervous and couldn't apologise enought, they even helped load our car with the heavy enclosure and animals...

The only thing I can think of is the email I sent yesterday to every Park Ranger we knew of there, including the head marchos of DECC advising them of the papers, the ombudsman, including a link to this thread, I have a feeling they must of read this entire thread...lol...

So again guys, Leanne and I are so so thankful for the support and the out-pouring of disgust you have written in regards to the way DECC was handling things. I really do believe our positive and very happy out-come today was because of everyone that has written their opinion on this thread and that DECC have obviously ended up reading! You've got no idea as to how thankful we are that APS and the friends we have created along the way, we really both believe this has really helped us get our animals back.... Thanks to Everyone that has written in and supported us!

Colin, thanks to you again mate. Leanne and I would also like to support your idea for a legal battle ground or website to protect the reptile community from disasters like this from ever happening again, or at least have the legal backing if we need it. But more to the fact that govenment run bodies like DECC or anyone else that thinks they can poop on reptile owners again and not be accountable for their actions, especially in regards to the safety of the animals, will think bl**dy twice before trying to run us smaller people into the ground ever again!

P.S. Leanne has just informed me there are certain people on here that are still concerned for some reptiles that we unfortunately could not bring home with us today. Please don't worry, as were still on their case. Immediately after this, I will be following instructions given by the Rangers today on how to apply for taking ownership of the remaining animals. We will be pushing this till we get them back in our hands as we are also concerned for their welfare, especially after seeing the condition of ours. It really sickens us that someone can be this low towards something that depends on us to take care of them... We haven't finished yet!!!!
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Congrats on getting your animals back! And good on you for your attempts to save the rest of the seized animals. I hope everything goes well from now on, now it sounds like the agencies involved have had a kick up the kiester. I really hope this prompts some serious review of staffing policies and minimum requirements for a job in said agencies, as at the moment they will apparently hire anyone who has kept a gold fish alive for more than a day...
Mate so glad to hear that your little spikey is eating and starting his path back to full health. Keep us updated once all the snakes are feeding as well. I really do hope that some positives can come from such a bad situation. I really hope someones head rolled (or at least mostly severed) for causing you both such heartache. All the best with bringing them back to full health as well as trying to get the other 17 reps.

Cheers Daniel
Hi All,
We have our animals:):):):):):), heading back home now, they are not in good condition :(:(:(:( We have cleared one of our spare rooms and we will brings these babies back to condition.

There was a completely different attitude when we got to DECC compared to the last few weeks, something has happened between yesterday and today as they were **** scared and could not do enough for us.

Thanks again to all of you, especially Colin, we will put pics up after they settle in :)

BBQ at ours if your up this way :):):)

P.s. please don't ask to borrow our snakes.....lol

Congradulations guys on a good outcome hope everythings is on the up from here.

thanks Brad
I am sooo happy you have your animals back but I am very upset to have confirmation that one of my animals is caught up in all of this & still is! & worst of all I dont even know what condition he is in!
I am disgusted that they could not even tell you he is ok?
Can I please have the name & number of who I need to speak to, I need to know he is ok as it is really playing on my mind.
Your Son seemed like a nice guy at the time but gee I am kicking myself now,. it was a very reluctant sale as it was :(

I am not going to rest easy until I know he is safely in your hands.
Whats the next step?
bbq im in lol

Hi All,
We have our animals:):):):):):), heading back home now, they are not in good condition :(:(:(:( We have cleared one of our spare rooms and we will brings these babies back to condition.

There was a completely different attitude when we got to DECC compared to the last few weeks, something has happened between yesterday and today as they were **** scared and could not do enough for us.

Thanks again to all of you, especially Colin, we will put pics up after they settle in :)

BBQ at ours if your up this way :):):)

P.s. please don't ask to borrow our snakes.....lol
It makes me so incredibly sad and angry to hear that the powers-that-be, who we trust(ed) to speak up for those who can't don't even have a basic understanding of the animals involved, or even what the are required to do. Funny that after you sent the e-mail they were more than happy to oblige, but it SHOULD NOT have come to that by any means.
It's up to us to remind them.
I am sooo happy you have your animals back but I am very upset to have confirmation that one of my animals is caught up in all of this & still is! & worst of all I dont even know what condition he is in!
I am disgusted that they could not even tell you he is ok?
Can I please have the name & number of who I need to speak to, I need to know he is ok as it is really playing on my mind.
Your Son seemed like a nice guy at the time but gee I am kicking myself now,. it was a very reluctant sale as it was :(

I am not going to rest easy until I know he is safely in your hands.
Whats the next step?

Unfortunately Gecko, we don't have any contact details as to where your python is, parks won't release it to keep the carer protected. But they did assure me the entire collection is being well looked after by a highly experienced and excellent carer.

We have written to the appropriate authorities in regards to getting the entire collection handed over to us, so now it's just a matter of waiting for them to respond to us and this won't be till Monday onwards. I just hope they respond quickly so we can get them safely home and you can rest knowing they are being looked after (especially your little guy).

Will keep in touch :)
Thanks everyone for the offers, but after what has happened, DECC has said that we will more then likely get them handed over to us.

There are also other members on here that have sold some of these pythons to you know who and are really concerned for their particular welfare and are trusting we will get them back into our safe hands.
I can lend you an 80w heat cord and a ceramic light fitting if you need it!!! Just pm if you do! Congrats 4 you both!! Hope you get the rest very soon!!!!!!
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