WARNING For People Lending Snakes As Breeding Loans

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Hey Ramsayi - my 4 year old tried for a whole minute to squash your fly lol
This really makes me want to get qualified to work looking after the animals that no one in power seems to care about
Absolutely horrendous. I don't understand how government agencies are so incompetent, kick them out of office and get a bunch of APS fellas in there, I'm sure things would be done right then.

As stated earlier it's funny that if we do a single thing wrong in any respects as in late handing in of your book or even maybe going 5/10kph over the speed limit we immediately get handed fines left, right and centre and in one case, I even got close to abused by a cop because I had a defect on my car. We really need to inspect how agencies are running, not just set them up and hope they run consistently and never do check ups. This is just stupid.
Good work guys. Stuck to your guns and got through the hard yards. Very impressed. Mindless beaurocracy usually frustrates people into submission.

Your snakes are very lucky to have you!
Cant believe that [NAME REMOVED] is definitely being given a second chance with these Animals provided he can prove ownership!!
He SMSed me at 630am this morning asking if I can provide proof that I sold him 2 of the Pythons in question,.
I really dont want him getting them back!
He has let them down once, who is to say it wont happen again!
What the friggn hell is wrong with the department giving this guy another chance!
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Gecko I would tell him to jam it (would love to be more offensive but can't) the OEH are a absolute joke.
I've never noticed this thread before and just spent the last hour or so reading through it - all I can say is WOW.

I can't believe the time, effort and ridiculous emotional roller coaster you guys had to endure to retrieve what was rightfully yours in the first place. When I read that the person in question was actually your son and his bitter wife/ex-wife, I was absolutely stumped..!

To think someone you gave birth to and raised would turn their back on you and make your life a living hell, all because he didn't have the nerve to stand up to that wretched woman is extremely cowardly and downright disrespectful.

As for the DECC and others involved, they did exactly what most of us expected them to do..which is nothing. They really are useless & a waste of our money, and they remind us of this constantly.

Anyway, I am glad after all your efforts, you were able to retrieve your animals; you, Wayne and Leanne, are truly one of a kind. Not many people would have gone through so much effort to ensure the animals were back in safe hands so they could receive the proper care necessary to bring them back to health. So kudos to you guys.

The support you received from members of this forum and the reptile community in general was astounding. If there is anything I can do to help (donations, accessories etc.), please feel free to let me know. I wish you both the best of luck!
well I have just spent the last 1/2 hr on the phone to his Ex Wife & was told somewhat different version of events,.
There is always 2 sides to a story.

She assures me that all of the animals were being looked after the whole time they were in her care & that she would NEVER punish animals because of her & her husbands personal issues & that this was completely incorrect.
She said before the animals were taken from her they were photographed in their enclosures & were all healthy & in good sized enclosures,. she is happy to send me these pics once she receives copies.

Either way,. I am still not sure what happened but I am not sure why this situation escalated into what it did.

Not trying to turn this into a he said she said situation but just saying the version of the story I just received is somewhat different.
She assures me that all of the animals were being looked after the whole time they were in her care & that she would NEVER punish animals because of her & her husbands personal issues & that this was completely incorrect.
She said before the animals were taken from her they were photographed in their enclosures & were all healthy & in good sized enclosures,. she is happy to send me these pics once she receives copies.

That's not really the whole point of this thou, yes they where worried about the state of the animals but there is still no excuse for her holding them back from getting what is rightly theres.
No its not really the point,. I was just making a few points,.without relaying the whole conversation we had,.

Apparently shes the one that actually called National Parks to ask them what to do & what was the procedure as the licenced owner no longer lives at the location the animals are being kept & that she didnt even have a licence & they told her under no circumstances was she to release the snakes to anyone until she has been told too otherwise she would be charged?
So she says she was just following orders that were given to her..
Like I said , I dont know the story & dont really want to be caught up in all of this,.im just saying there are 2 sides & I have somewhat changed my attitude slightly to the whole situation.
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Perhaps Gecko you should ask her about the AVO she placed on us so we couldn't get near our animals... oh let me guess, she forgot to mention that to you?

You were also speaking to someone that worked for the nsw attorney general, in other words she is very good at her job, knows how to pull the legal strings (so to speak) and like most goverment run departments... are very good manipulators.... So congratulations, your now another victim.

Also how do you explain a fully grown adult bearded dragon with skin that you could pull away from his back, ribs showing and so hungry that he scoffed down 10 crickets, 10 meal worms, a small bowl of vegetables and bathed himself in a tub of water to rehydrate????? Explain Please?????...

She also told you that NSW parks took pictures and said they were all in good health...lol, Parks and wildlife don't even know what a Bearded Dragon is, got a Darwin mixed up with a Jungle, had to ask us what pythons each one of them were and had never heard of OPMV??? lol

But like Kimberlyann mentioned... the lies you were told is not the whole point, the fact that they are our animals and it was proven legally they are ours and amazingly enough they are now in our care (funny that)! So Gecko, you explain to us and to the members on APS as to why it took over 6 weeks to get them back, the legal threats made to get them back, the lengths we went to on here in writing this whole thing to help others be aware of this situation we got caught up in (which YOU haven't obviously taken heed too), the newspapers contacted, the NSW Ombudsman complaint that is still in progress, the stress it had caused us in getting them back, and not to mention the AVO that was placed on us to keep us from getting back what was rightfully ours... you tell us why she just didn't hand them over to us in the first place when we asked nicely, but instead told us to get F'd and that we would never see them again????????????? Please Explain Gecko?????

Perhaps you need to re-think your other side of the story and not be so gullible!!!

I'll end it here, cause don't get me started.... your jump the gun and gullible comments have really peeved us both off!

P.S. Sorry mods if I stepped over the mark, but the comments above are nothing short of disgusting and disrespectful, especially after everything that has happened!

No its not really the point,. I was just making a few points,.without relaying the whole conversation we had,.

Apparently shes the one that actually called National Parks to ask them what to do & what was the procedure as the licenced owner no longer lives at the location the animals are being kept & that she didnt even have a licence & they told her under no circumstances was she to release the snakes to anyone until she has been told too otherwise she would be charged?
So she says she was just following orders that were given to her..
Like I said , I dont know the story & dont really want to be caught up in all of this,.im just saying there are 2 sides & I have somewhat changed my attitude slightly to the whole situation.
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I know this person (unfortunately) better than anyone on here and have had to listen to her lies and manipulative stories for 2 many years now! Please don't judge us on what she has said.
Did she advise that the RSPCA were present when the animals were seized and she did not contact parks and wildlife at all, though she did contact a member on here to ask if they would help her!!!!!!!! DECC new nothing of this when I first contacted them and even the police can verify that!!!!! Her last words were that we would not get our animals back , I have the messages that state this!!!!
Thanks for your support gecko!
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