Nero Egernia
Well-Known Member
Species that are not on our keeping list, as well as all pythons, cannot be imported into Western Australia.
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Only species that are not on our keeping list and all pythons cannot be imported into Western Australia.
Don't need to be a dealer to import them. If you can find a seller interstate you simply pay for an import permit from DPaW.Please forgive me for being ignorant or just a plain noob but how long untill we start to see some common tree snakes start to come through the dealers over in WA ? Im guessing it is quite a lengthy process ?
I'll probably have a few hatchling CTS available in the coming months. I like them to be a little bit older before I export them interstate.
Sounds good NicG il send you pm im chasing a blue phase CTS.
I believe the only GTS "variety" you'll get wild-caught in WA is the golden form, common from the Kimberley and across the NT. I've rescued a couple from Kununurra banana boxes in Perth supermarkets over the years, vivid golden yellow with blue-grey heads. It's a very beautiful animal, but then they're all pretty elegant really. Some of those we see around here on the mid-north coast are quite brightly coloured, sadly many of those are dead-on-road... Green, blue, black, gold... the choice is yours guysbut get them into WA before the taxonomists get their teeth into them...
Are the green specimens readily available in the pet trade over east Jamie? I can't find any in the usual classifieds.
[MENTION=41820]pythoninfinite[/MENTION], So Jamie i was chatting with my Brother today about the inclusions to the WA import list and the convo swung around to exporting from WA, he reckons they can't export any sp from WA ---> any Eastern state and i reckon they can.....who's right and is there a sp list of animals that can be exported? if there is 1 what sp are on the list. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) -ronhallingRon, maculosa is not a WA endemic, so it can't be kept there. I wouldn't mind a pair of the very high green & red Yellow-faced Whipsnakes from the southern part of their range just north of Perth. I see them all the time around the house here in NSW but they have nothing like the colours of the WA form.
Still, this is the second species-list addition in the recent past, so looks like things are progressing somewhat. Maybe pressure should be brought to bear with regard to python imports - their oft repeated reason of disease potential has a very big hole in it now that Sunshine Virus can be tested for in live animals...
Hi Ron, you can export anything that's on the keeping list in WA, as long as the receiving state has the species on its own list. They just have a hefty export permit charge...