Water for your reptile.

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2008
Reaction score
Camira, Queensland
I've been watching a veiw reptile videos on youtube, somebodymentioned that you should use dechlorinator for your reptile. I think i'm gonna have to get this, since I can't work out the rain water tank. Can I just use dechlorinator that people use for there fish? Or is there a reptile version?

Thank you.
yep i use a reptile de chorinator for my water bowls and for misting my gex, it's called reptisafe intsant terrarium water conditioner.
even cheaper in the longrun (and probably better for you too) is to buy a water filter!
yep i use a reptile de chorinator for my water bowls and for misting my gex, it's called reptisafe intsant terrarium water conditioner.

Isnt that the same as aquarium Water conditioner? I bet because it has rep in the product name, it is twice as expensive.
Just get a bucket stick it out in the rain and fill a 2 litre bottle in the fridge. Cheap as chips and they don't drink that much. 2 Litres in the fridge will probably last a couple of months.

Geesh, with a recession looming any money saving tips are great.

Thanks for your help guys. I'll probley try the method that FNQ mentioned. I'll see if my dad can fill a 2-3 litre milk bottle up with rain water, then chuck that in the fridge.
I never thought about that, will use rainwater now

Will my Knobtails and Coastal Carpet be sweet? they currently have tap water, which I will change now.
I use bottled spring water!! for water dishes in my bredli's enclosure and misting my gex enclosure!!
Is this ok or do you think rain water is better???
Mine only ever get perrier water! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Tap water is fine.If you want to do the best for your reptiles just try changing it more often.
I change it every 2 or 3 days. Is this OK, Ramsayi?

Our Bredli goes through ridiculous amounts of water actually. Not sure if she spills it and it just gets soaked up by the newspaper or if she has a drinking problem :lol:
Well, i've asked my dad about rain water from the tank, he reckons there will be all the Possum and Bat piss through it. Would spring or mount franklin water be the go? I have Demineralised water, would that be all right?

Thanks alot guys.
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