Water for your reptile.

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I run my water through a Brita water filter. (All my drinking water gets filtered) But tap water would be fine for most reptiles. Amphibians might want water that is a little less "processed" keep in mind that most water filters do not remove flouride.
must say i have wondered about tap water myself , chlorine, fluorite & all the other heavy metals & crap in our water. I have just brought cheap table water from wooly's for my blacksoil which I have only had for 2 days. watch what brands you use though, some bottled water has heaps of sodium in it, that cant be much good for them either!
must say i have wondered about tap water myself , chlorine, fluorite & all the other heavy metals & crap in our water. I have just brought cheap table water from wooly's for my blacksoil which I have only had for 2 days. watch what brands you use though, some bottled water has heaps of sodium in it, that cant be much good for them either!

I think I might get one of the filter things myself, not a expensive one, but one that does the job. How much was the "Table water" product you purchased?
I'll say it again. Rain is free.

Put a bucket or two out next time it rains. You will be surpised how fresh it really is.
I'll say it again. Rain is free.

Put a bucket or two out next time it rains. You will be surpised how fresh it really is.

Maybe up in cairns its nice and fresh but I certainly wouldnt drink rain water collected anywhere in a capital city.
tap water is fine if you fill a few 2 litre bottles up and let them sit for a few days the clhorine will dissapear
I use filtered water for my own and reptile drinking water as I don't like the taste of the tap water here but I don't believe tap water is a real threat to a reptile or frogs and fish.
I have kept fish most of my life and never used dechlorinators.
Just let the water stand in a bucket for a day first so the small amount of chlorine in the tap water evaporates off - it is fairly short lived stuff which is why you have to keep adding it to swimming pools.
If your local tap water is good for you to drink I don't see how it will hurt your reptiles.
I use filtered water for my own and reptile drinking water as I don't like the taste of the tap water here but I don't believe tap water is a real threat to a reptile or frogs and fish.
I have kept fish most of my life and never used dechlorinators.
Just let the water stand in a bucket for a day first so the small amount of chlorine in the tap water evaporates off - it is fairly short lived stuff which is why you have to keep adding it to swimming pools.
If your local tap water is good for you to drink I don't see how it will hurt your reptiles.

Thanks, I read before that if you leave it out in the sun for 12 hours or say it will evaporate the chlorine. But I think that is what your saying.
I live in an industrial city and I use tape water, its cleaner then the stuff falling from the sky. As long as you change it often its good. In the wild they would be drinking from the puddles with roo and other animal waste it is so tap water is good enough IMO.
Thanks Trimaco, you've got a good point there, and so does everybody else.

Its just hard for me to change the water everyday since i'm on crutches, and i'm home alone through the week.
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