weaning blueys onto food??

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Very Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2007
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Sydney NSW
hello people!
my blueys seem to be particularly fond of snails and well, there doesn't seem to be to many in my garden, but anyway, thats about the only thing they eat. so, my friend simon has told me to go find out how i can wean them onto other things like cat/dog food and vegies etc!

the only thing they seem to like is the snails and occasionaly touchs some egg!

any ideas/tips would be wonderfull!


Luke - ...as Ryan said, Strawberries are great to get them going, Blueys LOVE Strawberries...try and mix them in with some other fruits to get them eating it all...

...add supplements too if they aren't eating a full diet...
hi there
mine eats any thing...he's a guts!! maybe you can try squashing then rubbing a snail onto what u want them to eat. (yuck) and see how he goes. gradually reduce the snail guts....
hope that helps :)
Mine is addicted to Mealworms!!! but i weaned him off them when he was still small and now he just gets them as a treat. maybe yours will find them tasty to :)
Yep, just cut up dead snail and mix it with their food and slowly make it less and less snail, and more of everything else. Its not hard and won't take long. They are naturally pigs and won't ignore food if they get too hungry.
All my blueys can't resist mushrooms! They are very nutritious. I just buy a handful each week from coles and dice them up about 1/3 of their (blueys) head size- they love em! :)
Hmmm:D Note for future reference when I finally get some .
Gotta be a method to breed those snails, heck they're a pest so cant be that hard.
Easiest way to prepare snail is to freeze them. Makes them much easier to chop up.
Snails host liver fluke so if you get them from the garden your probably linking yourself into the life cycle of this parasite, just thought I'd mention it.
All these foods that people mention are fine but not every bluetongue loves all these things. very few of mine like strawberrys but most like grated carrot. Some like apple and others dont and none eat mushrooms, some wont touch tinned pet food and one will only eat the brand from Aldi. Its a nightmare at mealtimes. We dont get pizza anymore because of the arguements.
Mine enjoy the meat cubes I make for my turtles. Roughly:

Kangaroo mince
Marinara mix
Feeder roaches
Rep-cal Calcium and Herp-t-vite
(set in a weak gelatine, cut into cubes and frozen until required)

They will also do well on Re-Cal Bearded Dragon food.

They tend to like yellow things like banana and dandelion flowers.
All these foods that people mention are fine but not every bluetongue loves all these things. very few of mine like strawberrys but most like grated carrot. Some like apple and others dont and none eat mushrooms, some wont touch tinned pet food and one will only eat the brand from Aldi. Its a nightmare at mealtimes. We dont get pizza anymore because of the arguements.

I have the same problem with my shingles, they all like different foods, one LOVES rodents, one prefers flowers, the other canned jelly meat (cheaper the better), none like strawberries, they all eat grated carrot to some extent.
ah, this all sounds like alot of investigation work! once ive posted this i will make a salad with egg over the top and i will go out into the garden to try get some snails!
Interesting reading! Mine are a little picky too, and it's been trial and error finding out what they will and wont eat. I've had success with chopped up beans, button squash, banana (although i'm told too much isn't good for them, so they only get it occasionally), peas and yeah they go nuts for snails. earthworms were a big success too if you can find em in your garden - but it's a bit of mucking around. they'll eat whiskas cat food and pal dogfood too and now i only give them snails and meal worms every now and then so they dont get fussy again. Good luck with it!
All mine love zucchini and will do back ***** (almost) for a blueberry, but i must agree nothing goes down like a snail.... I'm lucky i have friends who collect them for me and leave them on the doorstep! If you need more snails ask around family and friends and you'll be surprised how many are happy to give you them just to get them out of their yard.
Help since when was 'f l ip s' a word that needed deleting?!?
hmmm interesting! well my blueys like roo meat!! but they went straight to the bottom of the salad and grabbed the snails and the egs and they were done! picky little buggers!
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