Weird 'tadpoles' in water?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2008
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Well, cleaning out my beardie tank and there seems to be some weird tadpole type animals in the water, there is about 10 or so.

Only things I can think of is I put a new bit of wood in there, this was in a storage area for a while, i cleaned it with hot water and F10.

Or they are also doing alot of head bobbing and chasing each other around the tank...dont think this has too much to do with it.

Any advice ASAP would be awesome.

I plan on cleaning the tank with F10 tonight.
What kind of advice are you looking for? Do you want to know what they are, how they got there or how to get rid of them?
yea sorry...jus wondering what they may be and if they are a known problem for beardies?

could it be mozzie larvae, the mozzies have been HEKTIC around my place lately
if theres lots of head bobbing and chasing going on u might wanna seperate them before someone gets hurt.

not all beardies can be housed together.
sorry my little brother noticed it and cleaned their water straight away.

Chris, I have been keeping a very close eye on them and to be honest I could not imagine seperating them at all. If they look aggressive towards each other I will straight away.
cool, as long as ur keeping an eye out for aggression, some of mines simply wont tolerate each other (all girls), they cant even spend an hour in the sunning enclosures together.. :)
cool, as long as ur keeping an eye out for aggression, some of mines simply wont tolerate each other (all girls), they cant even spend an hour in the sunning enclosures together.. :)

haha nah mine are a boy and girl and they wouldnt have it any other way...even when they are roaming around the loung room they have to be together.

No i didnt actually see them, jus got them described as little black tadpole type things.
sounds cute, wish my boys played nice!! :)

tehy probably are mozzy larvae then, when they get close to morphing they look like tiny taddies instead of long and skinny things.
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