I hate Seagulls, I mean Bastard Birds as I call them. I quite happily throw leftover chips in the bin at the beach and give them nothing. My anti-seagullism is quite fairly justified as I once saw one catch a little duckling that had lost it's mother, snap it's neck, then swallow it whole. I couldn't get to it in time. From that day on I swore to never be nice to those things again, even the one-legged ones you sometimes see.
On a happier note, I rescued a kingfisher that was badly caught up in fishing line, then I hand-fed some murray shortneck turtles that came up to me, I guess they had been dumped by really responsible people.
Where do seagulls come from anyways?, I've never seen a nest. I suspect they are from hell, here to do the work of satan!! Did I mention I like ducks?
Since you dont like seagulls(whoops bastard birds) i thought you may get a giggle out of this thread.