Active Member
Hi on monday the 17th i changed her enclosure around from being diagangle to straight. I don't know if this had any effect on what she is doing now tho. Her appetite was good mon-21 insects,tues-11 insects,wed-13 insects. Then on thursday the 20th i changed her substrate to fake grass this is when her behaviour changed and her eatting. The reason i changed is she kept licking at the sand, She was hungry but wouldn't touch the insects or veggies just sat there licking the sand. Ever since the 20th she has eaten thurs-4 crickets,fri- 9 insects,sat-3 crickets,sun-10 crickets,mon-2 crickets. when i say insects means mixture of crickets and roaches. She has been very flighty darting off at any sign of movement, She is shedding at the moment too, But other times she has shed she was a bit flighty but nothing like this,her appetite was good too the other times she has shed. She has lost interest in eating roaches which isn't like her, Her poos i think are normal exept she seems to be leaving little white piles of urates in the enclosure which she never did before. The vets here in mildura know nothing about reptiles. The closest reptile vet is in melbourne 6 hours away and i have no way of getting there. So what could be wrong with Safira?
Her tempertures are 41degrees celsius on the hotside
29 degrees celsius on the cool side.
Her tempertures are 41degrees celsius on the hotside
29 degrees celsius on the cool side.