What did I do wrong? Childrens Python help

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Hi mate,

sorry for your loss. Sounds like you were doing the best in the ways you had been instructed from the previous owner etc. I too feel that pine o wipes wouldn't be a good idea. Simple highly diluted bleech would do the trick, just air for a bit before adding snake back in etc. However F10 vet. grade disinfectant is pretty good value if you get the 200mL bottle. Will last years and years.

I reckon the heat would have been the problem. I have read and been told by a good breeder that high temperatures will keen a snake far more easily and quickly than cold temperatures.

My advice is to read as many threads on here as you can, on a broad range of topics and species and build your knowledge base. You will be able to see stand out things among many many threads that should kind of be treated as a basic gospel in where to start.

I also reccomend reading Simon Stones articles from Southern Cross Reptiles. A great source of information. Reptile Husbandry Articles by Southern Cross Reptiles

Another trick to possibly have up your sleeve, on hot days, no matter where your python is located is to have a large ice pack on standby that you could wrap well in some cloth and ad to the enclosure to use as a last resort cooling aid, should ambient temps sore.

Hello, sorry for the loss...

My Stimsons just dies today and I don't also understand what happened. I feel terrible because he was so lovely and beautiful. I miss him.

He had 2 bad very close sheddin tthat I had to help him to get ride off so I am not sure if my help did worse and hurt him. The first one, he was okay ( I put him in warm water, in a towel and rolled of his skin slowly) and he even ate just after. Last week I helped him for the second one but this time he didn't eat. Perhaps because I didn't manage to sort out his head but he did sort out himself alone last time. Yet he was still pretty active few days ago and I saw him making going out his tongue 2 days ago when I tried to making him eat. He refused but moved normally.

Yesterday he didn't move a lot, just his head a bit under the tree and this morning I found him dead. His head was looking "dry" whereas his remaining body was still smooth. The temperature was correct, water too, humidity not too bad...so could I have hurt him by helping him to get ride of his bad shedding last time?? His mouth was looking normal too...
It is so sudden that I don't understand and as you, I am really sorry about his death and wonder if it is a good idea to have another one. He was my first one and I do not want to lose another one...

Very sorry for tour loss
My female childreni is doing the same thing. Tempsat 30o. She refuses all food. Very cool to touch and not much movement.
Sorry if Iam wrong but I thought pineOclean was a product that was toxic to reptiles due to its base chemical

My 3yr male spotted python is doing the same thing he went milky for a shed and now he is non active and has just been sitting in the same position for about 5 days but non milky. As soon as i read your post i went and checked on him so i moved him with the hook and there was only slight movment. i realy hope my male doesnt die.

ps sorry for the loss
the base for pine-o-clean itself is mostly ethanol, however its the other stuff (most likely the things which give it it's smell) might cause problems

on a (possible) unrelated note, pine substrates (among others) for reptiles have been quite controversial with some claiming that the oils and resins are harmful to reptile's nervous system
Use of Cedar as a Substrate for Reptiles and Other Pets

@kesiting i don't see any problem with assisting with sheds, although if the head seemed dry as you claimed perhaps some skin was left over in the head area?
with sudden deaths however it's anyones guess really, the only way you'd get a definitive answer is to do an autopsy as already mentioned

if the humidity is okay how did he get a bad shed in the first place?
not having a go at you, but just a though.
could you give us a rundown on the setup?

and sorry for the loss...
My spotted has needed help shedding every single time since birth. She gets most of it off but always has problems with her head. She has been in several different enclosures but always has had this problem. None of my other snakes have ever needed help?? Sorry to hear of everyone's losses. As was said probably ditch the cleaner for some F10 and never expose the enclosure to direct sunlight unless you very carefully monitor its temps during it.
Im sooo sorry for your loss,this is the 3rd one i have sent today.Sometimes things that we can't see or know about can be causing pain or discomfort,we do our best for our pets......all our pets.and yet sometimes these things happen.they become family members,parts of who we are.shaping who we are in their little ways,leaving their little paw or claw or slither mark upon our hearts.
Bless you,sounds like you did all you knew.
very sorry for your loss mate but did you think it could be its location??? keeping it in the laundry cant be good with all the chemical sprays and what not which can travel in the air and into his water bowl. not sure about yours but i see my children's drink almost every day with out fail. maybe, if you get another, its time for a location change. put it in your bedroom if anything. hope everything works out for you next time mate. dont give up. pythons are amazing pets and ill never give up any of mine as long as im alive.
It is interesting to see that all these things could be factors together. The chemicals in the wipes, the chemicals from the laundry, the excessive heat from direct sunlight could have been causing the bad sheds and the eventual outcome. My advice, ditch the chemicals, change the location, no direct sunlight, don't even spray fly spray in the same room. Remember that too clean is almost as bad as too dirty. These animals don't live in a plastic bubble in the wild, try to re-create its natural habitat as much as possible and you will have a happier, healthier snake.
Sorry to hear about your loss.
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