What Did My Cat Drag In

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hehehehe he was good value but his mullet thread was enough for me........you won't see any more or any better mullets anywhere in the world than what you will in Western Sydney.

jordo, you now have me in the mood for posting green smileys....i better head off.

i agree cats shouldnt be aloud out thats y mine stays inside all the time and has never gotton out and never will be aloud out if we can help it .
Damn, i better go to bed before i get myself into trouble Sweetdreamz Stevo, night all!!!!

if you look at the word trouble five times it looks like it is spelt wrong
My cat's bitten me before...and I'm still alive? :p

Believe it or not, I've taken two life threatening attacks from cats, both sent me to hospital and without medical assistance either might have resulted in my death! I had to discharge myself from hospital against the doctors' orders to be able to turn up for my first day of uni - I couldn't use my left hand or extend my right arm, I had my left arm in a sling and was on antibiotics! Funnily enough, I actually wasn't trying to hurt the cats which managed to give me severe infections.

Here kitty kitty.
I cant really tell from the pic but it looks like a young rat(rattus rattus) or ar mouse (mus musculus).
72.3% of threads that go beyond 5 pages get locked or deleted.

And so this one will make it 72.35%.

As cat thread discussions usually deteriorate, and as Ruby's intial question has been answered (and then some - going way off topic), I am closing this thread.


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