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oh yea i have death adders as well, seen only one tho! bright and orange was A.praelongus as well
blue tongued skinks, nobbi dragons, green tree snakes, browns, yellow faced whip snakes, red bellied black snakes, diamond pythons, coastal carpets, copperheads, and frogs and turtles. we live in the best country in the world
You could open up as a reptile park with all that lot in your yard! LOL!
Where abouts are you living?

4 type's of turtle,eastern water dragon,blue tounge,frillneck,water skinks,lace monitor,red bellys,carpet pythons,brownsnake,green tree pythons and thats just what i've seen so far in reptiles ,other animals,kangaroo's,wallabys,possums,about 12 species of birds,ducks,platypus,fish and hare 3ft far.......


We have, Sleepy Lizards, Brown Snakes, Lots and lots of Legless Lizards(or Blind Worms as my hubby calls em)Skinks, we also hear lots of frogs when we are irrigating the back paddock. Also the occasional Bearded Dragon.
ive got hatchling sand goannas, bluetongues, garden skinks,gilbert and swampland lashtails(ta ta lizards), frogs, green tree snakes and we found a very lost thorny devil once
I have a healthy population of Western toads in my gardens. Okay it's not as glamourous as you guys... well.... screw you I don't need your pitty and your ohh I have a tiapan in my yard. Ya well I have snow and dog sh!t. Lots of dog sh!it. :D
Just going thru the posts and the large variety of herps in the backyards spoken about is great. Sensing a common thread between backyards and venomous snakes too. :lol:
I would be more than happy with my back yard to have grass that grows evenly, lush and absent of weird weeds. Maybe all the flooding we are having up here in NQ will help this.
max my beardie was at the window today and he found a baby blurtongue walking by
I get brown snakes and RBB's in my front yard. Lots of little frogs too but I don't know/care what they are. I live across from a golf course which backs onto a nature reserve. With the dry conditions, more and more snakes are coming across the road.
Greebo, depending on the snakes you are interested in, the influx of frogs could be a good thing?
I still have snow in my backyard. About 3 or 4ft. or so. And with any luck there won't be a albino kingsnake out there either. :wink:
Yeah, Rina the frogs are cool, when I find one I always put him out of harms way. I just don't know/care what species they are.
africancichlidau said:
I have question marks, full stops, exclamation marks, commas, parenthesis and semi colons. Oh sorry, no thats not my back yard, thats Brendans cos he sure doesn't have any in his posts :)

africa thats gay
u must be gay too caus eim real mhurt mthats y im not at skool my knee is split open and doubled i size a massive lump on my bellu and only my pointer fingers are working and my hands have big lumps and bruises and cuts and grazes and blood blisters and my hle body is a bruise i came off me bike badley
Your hands have been that badly cut up since you joined this site? That's too bad! In that case I forgive you.

Just a hint though, . , ' all only require one finger, and holding shift will just open up a whole new world of possibilities!!
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