What is my stimy wanting?

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New Member
Dec 6, 2009
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Hi all,
I have just got my first snake - a 8 month stimson. I was just wanting to know what he is wanting when clenchs his body on my hand when I am holding him. It is like he is squeezing on my hand, by not wrapping around, just pushing down.

I have washed my hands and he is not due for a feed - so what does he want? Pissed off and wanting to be put down, getting warmth from my hand, sizing me up to see if I'm food - I have no idea.

Thanks guys - great to have access to such a wealth of information. :lol:
He's just moving around :)
My stimson seems to do it more when he's coming up for a shed, like he's trying to use me to remove the skin
he does not want to fall, so hangs on tighter, mine does the same thing when it thinks it slipping i like it i can feel the squeezes getting stronger as Kaa grows
Yeah my bredli used to do the same thing when she was little. She did fall a couple of times (not completely off). She just assumed she would stick to me, but after losing balance a few times she started squeezing tighter when I was holding her. My hubby got worried and thought she would strangle me when she got big. But now she's bigger she squeezes less and balances more now.

I think it's part of their learning processes. I think as they grow they change the way they climb, as to stay up where ever they are and hold their weight safely.
They have no arms or legs, probably there way of holding on.
I have some that get very panicky if when you hold them they are not held securely.
So I am very careful not to put them in any situation that they may feel that they will fall.
Snakes have moods, and depending on how they are feeling, it reflects in their behaviour. It is easier to pick in snakes that have been long term captives that are usually very calm. You notice that they tense up when they are cranky or scared.
For babies, if they haven't had much handling or have been handled very rough in the past, they can be very tense and will hold on extremely tight (for a little fella) purely through nerves. Over time they will become used to handling. But basically consider the situation if we were in their 'shoes'. Imagine a giant that you don't know, picks you up 100m in the air and you don't know whether he will drop you or eat you or worse. So your only defense is to hang on for dear life, to save yourself from falling. Eventually, after that giant picks you up regularly for a couple of weeks you may begin to relax, as the giant hasn't dropped or eaten you yet.
weird childreni

i have a 5 year old childrens and when her whole body is on my skin i run my finger down her back and she makes an arc in her body about 15-20cm of my skin. looks heaps funny cause she cannot grab any traction so she just sits there trying to move along.
lol.. paulie
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