Very Well-Known Member
I am not anti Ven owning...each to their pythons are relatively harmless and wont end me up in hospital costing the TAXPAYER thousands of dollars in hospital fees. As I stated, using a sliding scale of experience for ownership in NSW the theory is that you gain experience in lower order snakes building up to more dangerous vens. You cant go out on day 1 and purchase a TAIPAN on a basic licence.
I am not anti experienced owners having elapids but to me it is not worth the risk. I know with my "boring" pythons I can comfortably clean and upkeep their enclosure without risk of serious injury...not so with elapids..particularly the more aggressive variety.
I can see where the adrenalin rush would be for owning and keeping elapids would exist but for me there are other ways of me getting a thrill. I have friends who own of them has them for demonstration and education purposes...several of these people have commented that if their jobs didnt rely on them they probably would not keep elapids as it is not worth the risk...but each to their own.
It would be such a boring world if we all agreed on everything and only kept the one species of animals/reps etc.
You still are way off mate with you understanding of vens and those of us that choose to keep them and your remarks show this.
You do realise that a bite from a python can cause you to spend time in hospital on the
"Tax Payer" with the likes of needing stiches from severe bite to blood poisoning or a selmonella infection just to name a few. :shock:
We are able to clean and maintain our enclosures just as easy as you do a python enclosure by removal of the animal to a holding tub as is the nornal practice.
And lastly the illusion you seem to have that ven owners have these animals for the
"adrenalin rush is totaly missguided and wrong for the majority of the people that own
Yes this is off topic but it was you that made the point of saying that only demonstrators
and educators should be allowed vens.