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this would be for a week, its like $600 for return flights from adelaide to perth and back and i really dont have the money. i would rather look after the animals and know they get looked after and that yoda has his crix and lights on and a cuddle then leave them with someone who has never kept a beardie in captivity before but only seen them in the wild...even if they are friends of my writing detailed instructions is not a strong point. plus as much as i love my uncle, i hardly see him and when i do its only ever for a few hours.
because those that i know of in my town haven't exactly gained my trust. the only person i would trust with my beardie is carolyn aka lizardlady but she lives nearly 4hrs from me and has plenty of her own to to keep her busy (as much as i love her)
beardies!!!!!! they run my house!!!! haha gotta love them.. even when they dont love you... (glances over at tank.. yes im talking about you freddo... )
Ok I have a few faves. And they are all ones I own

SKINKS, Shinglebacks, because they are so docile and give us a lot of enjoyment,gidgees because they are so funny to watch and land mullets, which are due to give birth soon and will be the first reptile I have bred, they are just an awesome lizard.

Lace Monitors because the power they have is just amazing and yet they can be so tame.

My frillies are such an unusual and beautiful animal and some of the things they get up to is so comical.
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