What small dog do you recommend?

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IMO giving pets as gifts is very unwise.

Find something else to give her and let her buy herself a dog when she is ready. She will appreciate the animals value more and it won't have a sentimental association with you which could see the animal dumped if you break up with her.
i wrote $50 a MONTH... this is the average, when buying good quality premium food.

trust me, i would know.

if you worm, and flea control properly, yes it does... you can think your doing it right in the supermarket, but then your dog ends up at the vet with $500-1000 vet bills, because you didn't cover heart worm and its water retaining..

small push face dogs often have trouble breathing, bad teeth and gums, and hip displacer..

if you already have a dog, why doesnt she entertain herself with that?

as others have said, mutts and crossbreeds are $75 from the RSPCA or rescues... the reason your paying $1000 for a labradoodle, a spoodle or a shi-tsoodle is because they are saught after... notice how everything has 'oodle' n it these days.. because poodles have hair not fur, thus less allergies..
FUR REAL TOY DOGS.....that way when the novelty wears off you can take the batteries out and put it away untill she gets the urge to want one again ...set you back about $100.00 plus batteries.........purchase at any good toy store/or big super market..........
Most pure breed clubs have a rescue group for their breed.
Have a look at the canine association for your state and it will have links to breeders, rescue groups etc.
Sometimes breeders have pups for sale that are not show quality, therefore slightly cheaper.
Good Luck :)
it seems you have lost your post there buddy. No one is agreeing with the point your trying to make. in otherwords, dont buy animals for pressents!!!!!thats why theres so many strays and unwanted animals. And if you think playing ball with a dog in the backyard instead of walking it is stimulating, think again!! how would you like to be cooped up in a backyard all your life with nothing new to smell or venture?Thats right you dont care about the obvious care and maintenance. you just want a cheap mutt. you dont derserve one at all. and dont try proving you can pay more if you want.How much do you love your girl?or animals for that matter.
Try watching the dog whisperer and learn to walk dogs and have responsibility. its like the people in here always whinging about cats. well its owners like these that we have to blame.Dont buy an animal as a present!!take her to westfields instead haha
i wrote $50 a MONTH... this is the average, when buying good quality premium food.

trust me, i would know.

if you worm, and flea control properly, yes it does... you can think your doing it right in the supermarket, but then your dog ends up at the vet with $500-1000 vet bills, because you didn't cover heart worm and its water retaining..

small push face dogs often have trouble breathing, bad teeth and gums, and hip displacer..

if you already have a dog, why doesnt she entertain herself with that?

as others have said, mutts and crossbreeds are $75 from the RSPCA or rescues... the reason your paying $1000 for a labradoodle, a spoodle or a shi-tsoodle is because they are saught after... notice how everything has 'oodle' n it these days.. because poodles have hair not fur, thus less allergies..

Poodles have hair not fur? Push face dogs are more prone to hip displacer, bad teeth and gums? Why do people who have no idea feel the need to make such outrageous generalised and false statements?
Push face hahaha unbeleivable. Its called Brachycaphellic(not 100% sure on spelling) where they have trouble breathing (especially while excercising) they cant handle hot temperatures well at all.. They do not get hip displacia at all.. thats a complate different part of the body!you need to be shot for even mentioning it when you dont know what it is or means
if you buy a dog ,get a puppy........
no matter the breed pure line or mongrel....its the owner who trains it !

in other words...you get back..what you put in
My recommendation STAFFY, anything smaller It just ain't a dog!! :p
My wife and I recently bought another dog. We always buy from the pound, giving a dog a second shot at life.

We got a Lab x Husky, 10 months old for about $100. The shelter also paid for him to be desexed, vaccinated & a discount on the microchip.
I'm with Riley - Jack Russells - just be prepared for lots of excercise. Mine two definaltey dig out but I think it's cause there is building on the other side of the fence. We sold our pups (no papers vacc wormed & microchipped) for $350 although we could have got more. They are great lap dogs and happily sleep on the end of the bed. our dogs dont bark too much and they are great security - they need a lot of training but learn really quick.
if you already have a dog, why doesnt she entertain herself with that?

Well that really isn't your business and does not have any relevence to this thread.

Do you have a dog? If so why did you get one? Why couldn't you entertain yourself with someone elses?

As i have said - i can get Royal Canin dog food @ wholesale prices. From what I've been told its one of the best foods on the market. I can definantly say that will not cost $50 a month.

it seems you have lost your post there buddy. No one is agreeing with the point your trying to make. in otherwords, dont buy animals for pressents!!!!!thats why theres so many strays and unwanted animals. And if you think playing ball with a dog in the backyard instead of walking it is stimulating, think again!! how would you like to be cooped up in a backyard all your life with nothing new to smell or venture?Thats right you dont care about the obvious care and maintenance. you just want a cheap mutt. you dont derserve one at all. and dont try proving you can pay more if you want.How much do you love your girl?or animals for that matter.
Try watching the dog whisperer and learn to walk dogs and have responsibility. its like the people in here always whinging about cats. well its owners like these that we have to blame.Dont buy an animal as a present!!take her to westfields instead haha

Wow. I'm creeped out here - its seems you not only can read my mind but you can see how much i earn! :shock: :lol:

I'm sure that the people in this thread who have posted warning me not to get her a dog all have the dogs best interest at heart - the fact is though I'm very much a animal lover and I'm also a very firm believer in looking after the animals you get. I do think playing ball with your dog is more fun and exciting for them. However not once did i say that the dog will never be walked. It would be.

I'm not sure what you mean in your last paragraph, but if it means what i think it does then let it be known my dog is 9 years old an has been walked her whole life. So I'm pretty sure i'm aware how to walk a dog.

Once again thanks for all the input people. Its been the best help so far.

It seem Jack russels are popular but can be barkers and need alot of stimulation. I suppose these wouldn't be the best dog especially since it will be living with cats. Does anyone own a Jack russel that gets on with cats?

It seem Jack russels are popular but can be barkers and need alot of stimulation. I suppose these wouldn't be the best dog especially since it will be living with cats. Does anyone own a Jack russel that gets on with cats?
If introduced properly and slowly, you may be able to get a harmonious arrangement between the cats and dog. Jack russells are very energetic and can be destructive if bored. It might be safer to get an older dog that is calm or a cross breed. Pugs have short hair and don't need heaps of exercise (short face makes too much exercise difficult). If you don't mind the bug-eyes, they might suit. Have you looked at Cavalier King Charles spaniels? They are easy to train and have lovely natures. Neither of those two breeds are common at rescue organisations because they make great pets. (That sort of blows the budget.) Good luck!
I vote for a Cavalier as well - I've got two of them and they are great little dogs.

Having said that though, please either:

A) Rescue a dog from the RSPCA or a shelter, or

B) Purchase a purebred, pedigreed dog from a registered breeder.

Ethical, registered breeders will health test their breeding stock for any issues that are known to their particular breed, whether it be hip dysplacia, eye problems, etc. They will worm, vaccinate and microchip their puppies. They will provide advice and support for the life of your pup, and won't let their babies go to new homes before 8 weeks of age.

'Designer Dogs' (Schnoodles, Maltipoos, Pugaliers, god where do I start - there are dozens of them now) are nothing but a gimmick. The backyard breeders and puppy farms that pump out these dogs do not conduct any health testing on their breeding stock (although often they try to dupe buyers by claiming their dogs and puppies are "health checked" by a veterinarian, which doesn't mean much really). They also charge an absolutely ridiculous amount of money for what you are getting - in many cases, a designer puppy will set you back the same amount of money, if not more, than a purebred puppy from a registered breeder.

Above all, do your research. You can find listings for registered breeders and available puppies on this website: http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/list.asp
"What small dog do you recommend?"

One that fits between two buns and goes good with onion, mustard, and cheese.
I think the question should be what does your gilfrind want? Ask her what she likes, and then do some research together on the net. There are heaps of dog info sites and forums
Is there a chance that she would set her heart on a pedigree dog that she would rather wait and save up for? Or is she happy to take a punt on what might be at the pound, or look for Xbred dogs in the paper?

IMO its something you need to do together, what ever you decide.

PS. It dosnt matter if its not a surprise, the preperation and thought you put in will be enough.. Trust me! The preperation is one of the best bits!
I always get a herp for my b. day. I pick it, and WE plan for it.. Most times I dont even get it on my birthday, but I dont care. (I usually get a little pressie on the day, to tide me over till the proper pressie arrives!)
I agree with BlindSnake....go the Pound. We were after a smallish dog to be a companion to our older Staffy cross (love the staffy's) and I knew the right dog would pop up. I was telling my vet about our predicament having lost our older (nine years old) dogs mother last year to a snake bite (Dugite in the backyard) and she gasped in shock and told me that she had the perfect dog. She told me she gets boxes and boxes of unweaned tiny pups dumped on her doorstep that have to be put down. Really sad. Every now and then she gets someone bring in a dog that they no longer care for that they want put down and she tries to find homes for them. Needless to say, we jumped at the chance to give an animal a second chance and now have a beautiful little desexed boy (Staffy cross) who has fit our family like a glove. We only got him yesterday but we all love him to bits already (even our other dog).
I can't tell you enough the warm feeling it brings to give a home to a dog that would otherwise be put to sleep. There are so many animal shelters out there. Give it a go. Everyone can make a difference. Visit a shelter (together). One is bound to jump out as being the right one for both of you. Good luck.
Cheers for the help guys. It does seem that more money will need to be spent. I actually have a dog of my own, so am aware of the costs associated with a dog. (Food expenses, annual checkups, worming etc)

Considering this we would be training the dog ourselves, so no need for a training school. The reason she would like a small dog is so there is no need for daily walks. (This will happen anyway I'd say). Her birthday is not for a while yet - so heaps of time for research and to make sure its not just a impulse want. I am quite against randomly buying dogs as an impulse buy so am definantly keen to make 100% sure this is not the case.

After checking out the breeds posted it seems the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is in the lead :lol: and there seem to be a few out there for $400 ish but that includes all the microchipping, worming, vaccination etc and for a pure breed dog that is resonable.

I should have made it clearer in my original post, $200 is the most I'd pay for a mutt. (Anything first or second generation cross or multiple crossed animals) I understand that most the time alot more effort is put into breeding purebreed animals so am willing to pay more if that is shown.

Once again thanks for the help - feel free to continue posting what you think as like i said i have a fair amount of time.

Small dogs dont need walking alot?!:shock:

Small doesn't necessarily mean lethargic.
I have two chihuahua cross mini foxies, and if i dont take them RUNNING every day they are physcos. I hear that small dogs are yappy, yes if they are restless and haven't been excercised enough. Do look into how energetic dogs are before you buy certain breeds even cross breeds, because it is so sad to see energetic dogs go stir crazy, running in circles, fighting etc.

Just remember dogs arent like reptiles, you cant sell them in a few years time for more than what they would have been as babies.

A dog is a huge commitment but soo worth it.

If i could do it again id get a rspca dog, but I know thats not for everyone.

Good luck. :)
Bought a Maltese puppy from the pound a few weeks ago. Best choice I have ever made.
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