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Nov 3, 2010
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Hi guys i'm just wondering what snakes could i fit in a 1200mm L by 600 W by 660 H
and that are good for beginners and this cage has to be suitable when its fully grown. i don't really want like spotted pythons and children's pythons i want decent sized ones.

um a lot of things you wouldn't wanting a climbing snake i would go a woma if i was you bit small for a black head but saying that people would keep many thing in that size.
also womas are great mostly for beginners but not saying all womas are perfect:p
woma's, costals, Bredlis, bhp's ...... NOT JUNGLES, GTP'S, SCRUBBYS, OR WATER OR OLIVE PYTHONS!
Most Morelia sub-species would be ideal also,Darwins,Diamonds,Coastals,Murray Darling,Jungles, and also Womas-Blackheaded python would be ok,but once they get around 7+ft i would move into a larger enclosure..If you choice a Anteresia,make sure you put something in between the glass,as they can get ot of very small gaps...You can get pieces of rubber that runs in between the glass,That size enclosure any of the Anteresia species can live there lives in it...
i recon a stimi.
i have an enclosure that would be perfect for one but mum wont let me get one. but as soon i move out...
lets just say ill be saying hello to a new snake collecting hobby...
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