what to do in a situation like this?? :(

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Very Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2008
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so as some of u may know i have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of my new shingleback pair. i picked them up from the airport today and noticed a few things that didnt look rite to me.
some of there scales didnt look right - they were an off brown that looked really flaky and just, well wrong (almost rotten). they also had chunks of white on there back and tail scales that looked deep and go down a little bit, there "lips" were also sagging - in the corners of there mouth they drooped. (hard to explain i will try to get pics)
i took them for a 2nd opinion and it was decided that i needed to get them checked by the vet so off i go. my vet had a look at them and was not happy with what she saw. she basicaly said they are extremely underfed and look to have come from not the best living conditions.
the brown scales are ones that have not shed properly, the white is scar tissue that goes deep down and there "lips" r due to a combination of not enough or bad food and bad living conditions.
as a result i have 2 unhappy shingles and im feeling let down and a little disappointed.
she ended our consultation with " these should not have been sold 2 u and they were unfit to fly"
should i contact him and tell him what my vet has said?i didnt get much contact from the seller at the best of times so dont even know if he will reply.
can i help other people avoid this seller without offending anyone??
i guess i just needed to vent coz im feeling kinnda crapy now.
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yes,IMHO,you should contact the seller with what the vet said(make sure you get it down on hardcopy) so that if necessary,u have proof of animals condition.

im supposing seller has licence number? complaint to relevant authorities if they dont come to some sort of agreement

i am only very new to reptiles,so i could be way off track eh
Did you see pictures of the animals before you purchased them? I think the first thing you should do is contact the seller with a report from the vet as previously stated and try and come to some sort of arrangement over vet bills, your licensing department won`t want to hear about it and most likely wont do anything about it. If all else fails name and shame :D
thankyou for your replies.
my vet was great she didnt charge me anything so its not the money thats the issue its more the principal really and the fact that they have been treated like that for a while really upsets me
That sounds very shifty and a very untrustworthy thing to do. Get the vet to write down what he told you, send that to the seller make sure he knows that you got them in this condition. I would let other people know about this seller if he doesnt refund your money or whatever, but who knows he might have loaded them onto the other end as happy and healthy as larry.
do as Geck82 said. becarefull about naming and shaming on this site. i think its against site rules. i hope the seller wasnt an APS user, if they are contact admin and explain your problem, they may not be able to do anything to help you. but if they recieve complains about a user selling (dodgy) animals they may do something to stop the user using the site
aww sorry to hear that.....as already stated,contact the seller n let him em know wat the vet has said n see wat they hav to say for emselves....
As Geck82 posted, did you get any pics before you bought them?
Not trying to justify the appauling condition they were in.
I always ask for current pics apart from the ones used in the ads for this reason.
If they are currently available for sale & it's a genuine seller, they will give you the pics you ask for as long as they know that you're not just collecting pics.
I can't see any authority doing anything about it, so now it's onto their rehabilitation.
We feed our females A/D formulated pet food (only available from the vets as far as I am aware) after they have bred, as they lose a lot of condition & need to be picked up afterwards asap.
It can be mixed to a slurry & fed via a syringe. Once they spark up, feeding can resume as normal, but more frequently until their condition returns. It's a good way of getting their system kick started, but they shouldn't stay on the A/D long term.
Make sure you take clear photos of them as they are now, with a camera that dates the photos. This was you have photo proof as well as the vet report of their condition.
Thats shockin! Shinglebacks are such tough creatures, it takes them forever to look bad!
Ive even accidentally stepped on one of mines heads with full body weight and didnt hurt him. Still panicked and rush him to the vet anyway. Hahahaha

I hope the seller realizes their mistake and gives you your money back minus the shingles, as obviously they shouldnt go back into his care.
thankyou for all your replies everyone.
i dont know that i want to contact him..... i mean surely if he can let his animals get like this hes not really going to care about a customer is he?? grrrrrrrr
oh, and to add. yes i did recieve one pic of one.... silly me didnt request any more- im at fault with that i know
Contact him. And threaten to name and shame him. I sure want to know who it is so we can bully him. BWAHA
i realy think that you should get in touch with the seller and let them know what you have done and that you would be prepaired to let people know who you are through word of mouth.
thankyou for all your replies everyone.
i dont know that i want to contact him..... i mean surely if he can let his animals get like this hes not really going to care about a customer is he?? grrrrrrrr

Where was this seller located?

DSE in VIC are pretty on with this type of issue, from memory they have a 7 day policy for all reptile transactions but I not sure if that goes with interstate freighting or not??
"what to do in a situation like this??"

REPORT THEM, if you don't what stops them doing it again and again!!

They shouldn't be allowed to keep animals at all :evil:
i have decided to request a write up from my vet which i will send to the person. i think i might also contact licensing in there state and let them know (i dont know if they will do anything or not but i will give it a try).
i will give the person a chance to explain themselves and there actions or at least have contact with me over it, if they fail to do that then yes i will take it futher and i will also be happy to name them in PM.
bradg - i cant, there in my care now therefor i feel there my responsibilty - just have to work on the road to recovery now!
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