what to do in a situation like this?? :(

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bradg - i cant, there in my care now therefor i feel there my responsibilty - just have to work on the road to recovery now!
I think you should keep them, but request a refund of at least half, as 'the 'goods' were not as described'

ETA, by the sounds of it they are much better in your care than the original owner
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just an update for anyone intrested.
i contacted the states licensing department and informed them of the suituation. they have requested a vet report which i will send to them asap. they were extremely helpful and said they do an inspection on the said persons collection as they have a lot of animals.
i have also tried to contact the seller and had no response
thats awesome.

maybe get the vet to fax a copy directly to them as well as you?

the sooner they get inspected the better for the other animals they keep.

dont warn them of an inspection either so they dont move animals out of sight

of the inspectors...

good luck...:D
just an update for anyone intrested.
i contacted the states licensing department and informed them of the suituation. they have requested a vet report which i will send to them asap. they were extremely helpful and said they do an inspection on the said persons collection as they have a lot of animals.
i have also tried to contact the seller and had no response

you probably won't get one either :evil:

good on you for reporting them :p
hi again.
so i have come home this afternoon to find one of them has a very red stomach...im talking blood red. i have no idea what this could be and my vet and i did not c it yesterday (they were slightly red but we put it down to traveling and maybe lying on each other)
i heard it mentioned once b4 that redness of the belly is a sign of septicemia can anyone confirm or deny this or heard anything like this?? poor buggars what else can go wrong with the poor little things :(
struggling to find any information for signs of septicemia in lizards. wondering if i need to go to the emergency vet tonight....?
that sucks for you, i guess this is the reason i wont buy from people i dont know and from people i cant speak to face to face. its a shame so many people out there are so careless when it comes to stuff. all the best with it.
:( I have no experience with reptile illnesses, just want to wish you luck and hope they pull through.
Its disgusting when people like that own animals. I think there needs to be more regular inspections of peoples collections. What gets me is whats the motive to let a expensive pet like reptile deteriorate? I would think they were wild caught originally or something.
checked them this morning and fed them, the red has gone down a little bit. but they have no energy,wont even open there mouths to eat, instead just lie there licking the food slowely and i had to put the bowl right underneath there noses.
can i make a puree does anyone know? or what would the best food be to fatten them up?
were they dehydrated as well when you got them? I know with pythons it's a good idea to swim them for a while after a trip, but not sure with yours. I wouldn't try to fatten just yet, just try as many different types of food possible to get them eating. try mashed banana, fruits, tinned dog food, ect
hey everyone.
just a quick update. i came home from work last night to find there WHOLE bowl of food empty :) im so happy surely this is a good sign! i gave them some king worms and they went nuts, running around and argueing with each other over them so fingers crossed this is the first step towards a wonderful recovery!
thankyou to everyone who posted advice or well wishes, i will post pics soon! :)
ps - they have been named dudley and delilia
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