what type of lizard should I get?

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Pierced Soul

Active Member
Jun 26, 2007
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I ahve two bearded dragons and am looking at getting a different lizard(s) to keep in another enclosure.

the enclosure is 4x2x2. Ideally I'd like soemthing which can live in that size enclosure for most of its life. I'd like something which isnt going to be too difficult to keep and something which is interesting. I was thinking central netteds, but I thought i'd get other peoples opinions
Go for some Gillens monitors or Ridge Tails, far more active and full of character than a lot of dragons.
species? or are you yanking my chain ;)

Rocket: why angle headed dragons?
there all pretty small monitors which the biggest of them only grow to 2ft. i havent had any experience with them but other people on this site have. i only have a small lace monitor;)
I think angle headed dragons need a tall enclosure, I don't think 4 x 2 x 2 would work.

If a small monitor would do ok in that size enclosure, I reckon go for it. Monitors are pretty cool.
would a monitor work in a 4x2x2? I ahve thought of them in the past but always thought they grew too big and needed to eb outdoors in those massive enclosure speople have in their backyards
would a monitor work in a 4x2x2? I ahve thought of them in the past but always thought they grew too big and needed to eb outdoors in those massive enclosure speople have in their backyards
nah the small species of monitor would be very happy in an enclosure that size:)
I have two Varanus gilleni in an enclosure that size and they are perfectly happy and healthy lizards, in fact there is probably room in there for a second female ;) I highly recommend the gilleni they are very active and full of character, also they are smaller than some of the other commonly kept small monitor species so may be a little more comfortable in the 4 foot than others.
could gilleni and ridgetails be kept togetehr? or do monitors fight? I liek the look of both these monitors
could gilleni and ridgetails be kept togetehr? or do monitors fight? I liek the look of both these monitors
theyd fight and gilleni are heaps smaller than ridgetails but remember all monitors are interesting and very fun lizards so whichever you choose you will be happy:)
now I just gotta find some juvies :)

I noticed that some people keep those basking 'towers' in their enclosures to give the monitors a chance to choose their own gradient, others just use a branch for the basking spot. is it personal preference or is one clearly (well as clear as these things are) better than the other?

also are ridge tails the same thing as ackies?
ridge tails are indeed ackies i have an adult pair in a 4x2x2 enclosure and i think theres enough room for another female even, in my opinion the basking stacks are better as they can choose the temps they want to bask at and they also wedge themselves in there to make themselves feel secure
do the basking stacks need to be stuck together? if i just put tiles on top of rocks (or something similar) would the weight hold it down or am i looking at a collapse?
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