Who believes in Karma?

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The Reptile Outlet

Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2007
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Hi all... Just been sitting here thinking about karma. Do you believe in karma? What good karma quotes do you know? eg...... Do unto others etc.

Here's some I found:

My karma ran over your dogma. Author Unknown (Sorry couldn't resist this one. lol)

Live a good and honorable life. Then, when you are older you can look back and enjoy it a second time. Dalai Lama

Karma moves in two directions. If we act virtuously, the seed we plant will result in happiness. If we act nonvirtuously, suffering results. Sakyong Mipham

Any actual stories to tell?



I believe in karma, but I think it's misinterpreted by a lot of people. Many people seem to say "karma will get (insert person here)*. To say that, and to wish that karma will get someone, is actually bringing bad karma on yourself. In order to truly believe in it, you have to just accept that whatever will happen will happen, and that each person will get their karma in due course.
LOL,...Joy I have not heard the Karma/Dogma one before, nice :)
I believe in karma, but I think it's misinterpreted by a lot of people. Many people seem to say "karma will get (insert person here)*. To say that, and to wish that karma will get someone, is actually bringing bad karma on yourself. In order to truly believe in it, you have to just accept that whatever will happen will happen, and that each person will get their karma in due course.
So in other words stuff will happen in life... That doesn't sound all that philosophical to me.

I don't believe in Karma as in some mystical force but obviously if you are a good person to people then people will be nice to you. People shouldn't need to fear some sort of supernatural vengeance to just be good to one another
Never trust anyone who wants what you've got. Friend or no, envy is an overwhelming e

Hey There Joy.... Karma is a good thing that is out of our control.... He who does wrong in life will eventually be wronged in return ..... What goes around most definitely comes around.... every dog has his day... watch out ....

Never trust anyone who wants what you've got. Friend or no, envy is an overwhelming emotion.
Eubie Blake

For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth.
Bo Bennett

In this world it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.
Henry Ward Beecher

The toughest thing about success is that you've got to keep on being a success.
Irving Berlin

A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.
David Brinkley

Trust your hunches. They're usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level.
Joyce Brothers

You can't trust anybody with power.
Newt Gingrich

A man who trusts nobody is apt to be the kind of man nobody trusts.
Harold MacMillan
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karma? the modified western version a la galations, "reap what you sow" or the buddhist version or the hindu one?
whether there is a entity presiding over the concept or not it is all a bit bollocks in my opinion, but certainly a unifying human idea in its essence that crops up in most of the religious texts on my bookshelf (except arguably in dianetics (scientology), but that's another story)
So in other words stuff will happen in life... That doesn't sound all that philosophical to me.

I don't believe in Karma as in some mystical force but obviously if you are a good person to people then people will be nice to you.

I agree there Sax, Positives bring more positives in life from all aspects, hating and being down on stuff is usually a reflection and reaction they are suffering in some way even if they are not aware of it.
I honestly think that whatever you give out to the universe you get back and if you do good to others then good comes back to you in abundance........
That's the way I've always lived my life anyway, and it works.
I also know other people who've done some really horrible things in their lifetime and have reaped what they sowed so to speak...... Co-incidence? Maybe? Karma? Maybe? I don't know....... all I know is that it happened..... they hurt people and they ended up in a bad way down the track.... I've seen it happen a few times now and can't explain it... Karma/Co-incidence? Who knows.
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I believe in karma points. The more good things you do the more points you have when you need some good karma. Currently everyone I know is in negative karma points. Used them all up on my step sister. But she is still alive so it's worth it!! (I'm not crazy. She had an anurysm and nearly passed away.)
I'm not the superstitious type... but I do believe in the good old "treat people how you want to be treated"... Oh and also "don't get mad, get even"
Nah, I don't believe in karma.

Karma is coincidence, and basically confirmation bias.

I don't believe in it because bad things happen to good people all the time (unfortunately)
the problem with karma is it requires someone keeping score, or alternatively an idea that bad deeds and thoughts attract some sort if negative stain (black tar if you will) that sticks to you and perhaps attracts more of the same....
pffft, past my bedtime, i think i'll stick with saximus- be good to others and probability suggests they'll be nice to you.

on a tangent to current discourse, my mag turned up today Joy, ta muchly.
Squinty, I'm so glad that your sister is ok.

D3pro........ I like your thinking! lol

Bradchip..... I know what you mean about bad things happening to good people. It's horrible when that happens.

Deb....... You found some fabulous quotes...... love them!

cheers, Joy
No i don't believe in Karma or the flying spaghetti monster..

I believe in karma points. The more good things you do the more points you have when you need some good karma. Currently everyone I know is in negative karma points. Used them all up on my step sister. But she is still alive so it's worth it!! (I'm not crazy. She had an anurysm and nearly passed away.)

So no mainstream medical treatment was sort for the aneurysm?
the problem with karma is it requires someone keeping score, or alternatively an idea that bad deeds and thoughts attract some sort if negative stain (black tar if you will) that sticks to you and perhaps attracts more of the same....
pffft, past my bedtime, i think i'll stick with saximus- be good to others and probability suggests they'll be nice to you.

on a tangent to current discourse, my mag turned up today Joy, ta muchly.

You're very welcome Jack. Hope you enjoy it..... Glad we got that sorted out.
Karma..... I have always believed in what goes around comes around threefold, this has been mine belief forever. Unfortunately for me somewhere along the way I must have been absolutely down and out plain nasty to some-one somewhere???? Cause right now Karma is an outright Biatch!!!!
Something we made up to deal with crap that happens.
We get bad hands in life. Play the next game.
I don't believe in karma. I see people that are absolute jerks getting ahead in life and good people struggling.

I think the people that believe that good things are happening because of the way they have acted in life are optimists who find the positives in everything. I know a lot of people that look at the glass half full, even when I scratch my head, thankful that I'm not in that persons situation.

I'm a bit of a cynic and a misanthrope, not in regards to all people, but the way the world is frustrates me. It seems like there's no such thing as loyalty anymore, which is something I pride myself on....

I don't believe "karma" will dole out anything bad to wrong doers, but I do believe in an eye for an eye, dishing out your own little bit of karma on people who truly deserve it.
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