Who wants to live for 1000 years??

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Theyd have to let everyone do it.. imagine being married to someone whos had the "fix" and you age but they stay young looking?
Gosh, itd be like the twilight saga..
Only if your partner sparkles

Maybe that's what happens when you get treated with stem cells.

I'd love to have a bit more time, as long as I was healthy and active. Assuming it could be done, I wonder what the psychological effects of a dramatically lengthened lifespan would be. The social changes that would occur and the ethical implications are interesting to contemplate.

A few random thoughts. If it's expensive, which is not inconceivable in the beginning, it would be available only to the rich. And let's say we could bring the treatment to every person in the world, should we? The planet is already groaning under the weight of 7 billion people. Would it survive if the lifespan of every human alive was extended? Whose lives do we choose to extend?
I think it would be awesome!! Bring it on :D Although there would have to be some measures added to birth rates... less deaths + same amount of births = toooooo many people :?

the idea is to prolong and slow the aging process in adults, i saw something on tv bout it a while ago... that means that women can have up to 800 babies (give or take) imagion the drain on the governments welfare to all the people that just have kids so they dont have to work.... i wonder how much they would recieve bout 80-90000 a fortnight, i think its the most rediculous idea for people to expect to get other than those with Werner's syndrome to try and give a prolonged life

Money makes money. Once you have paid off a mortgage, most or your wage becomes disposable. So all you'd need to do is put it into a bank and live off the interest. I think the opposite would end up being true and everyone would be a millionaire

but unfortunatly there would be a hole in the economy where unemployment goes up big time
Could you imagine someone like Mugabe living to be 1000. Only thing that's going to save his country is him falling off the perch. No thanks, topping out at 100 suits me just fine.
Goddddd I hope not...
I already say I want to be euthanized at 60 max O____O

WHY????? Age isn't the problem, just a persons outlook. My hubby is 70, i'm approaching 60 in a few years, THIS is the age where the kids are now all independent, we are active, in fact, hubby a lot more than myself, he doesn't FEEL old, age is just a number. Our desire now is to wait a few years, sell the house, buy a mobile home and TRAVEL (spend the kids inheritance!!!!!)
Hmm I wouldn't want to if you have to look old for most of that time.
This is crazy!! You'd think that if they can achieve this they could come up with a cure for cancer or AIDs . .
WHY????? Age isn't the problem, just a persons outlook. My hubby is 70, i'm approaching 60 in a few years, THIS is the age where the kids are now all independent, we are active, in fact, hubby a lot more than myself, he doesn't FEEL old, age is just a number. Our desire now is to wait a few years, sell the house, buy a mobile home and TRAVEL (spend the kids inheritance!!!!!)

Haha don't stress :p it's not quality of life that puts me off...I figure as technology advances we will have good quality of life,
I just can't comprehend what I'd do with myself all that time...and I don't want to endure the stresses of life for all that time. I don't want too see what will have become of the planet in all that time either...
So as you say, for me it's my outlook on things.
Hell no, I wouldn't want to live to be 1000....or even 100 !!! My dad died last year 5 months before his 100th birthday and he was actually very well up till the end. He didn't really have anything wrong with him, he simply died a peaceful death of old age, he just...wore out !! My mum was 90 when she died 3 yrs ago and she had cancer for 28 yrs, but she still did pretty well and it was probably old age rather than the cancer that killed her and she also had a peaceful death. As for myself....I'll be happy to go at 80, though to be honest....anytime would be ok to me....death doesn't worry me at all. I was diagnosed with cancer last Christmas and chances are I won't live to 80 anyway, and that really doesn't bother me.
There is no such thing as dieing of old age. People die because old age has caused a disease. There used to be dieing of old age, that was before we named all the diseases.

I think all the knowledge and experience one could gain in a thousand years would be terrific. If I could live life to it's full quality I think it would take a very long time to get bored of it, possibly forever, but I would have to experience it to truly know.
if that was the case id recon itd be sweet !..... though i would hate to get life in prison :/

also, if someone was murdered/ran over or something, at the age of 140, everyone would be like OMG HE WAS WAY TO YOUNG TO DIE!
Well if there's no such thing as dying of old age....dad had a bit of a cold the week before he died, so it may have been pneumonia .... I never saw his death certificate. Mum's death certificate says... respiratory failure, haemoptysis, metastases to lungs (contributory cause) and breast carcinoma.
There is no such thing as dieing of old age. People die because old age has caused a disease. There used to be dieing of old age, that was before we named all the diseases.

That's not right. There are tons of unexplained deaths and the cause of death is noted as "Natural Causes", when I worked for DERM I saw tons of death certificates, as they had to be faxed with wills, often allocating land to people. There are tons of old people that are in seemingly fine health and die in their sleep. It's not known why.

I'm 4 and a half months off turning 20 and I am pretty upset about it. Death is pretty much my only fear, and I look at the last 15 years and wonder where the time has gone. I know time will continue to tick over, and I feel that every year that passes goes quicker than the last, so I only expect to feel like time is escaping faster with every year I grow older. I think anyone who thinks they don't have even the slightest fear of death is kidding themselves.

I don't see why it would be an issue for one to live for 1000 years if they were in good health. People say "Imagine working for 900 years", well we work for the majority of our lives anyway, so I don't see the issue.

I think if this sort of thing were to become available, that they would have to implement some sort of permanent contraception, and people would have to obtain permits to have children. I wouldn't really find this an issue.
Fark that, most people cant fill their allocation with anything meaningful anyway'

I passed the half century a while ago and my life has been and is rich. But only because I made the effort to find what I was looking for.

I dont expect to make a 100. Death wil come. such is life. What do you need to live 300 generations for?
Most retirees, like myself, say their lives are busier now than when they were in the workforce...and yes, most definately the older you get the quicker time seems to pass. I'm 60, my husband is 76 we've been married 20 years. My husband is a great grandfather and I have 4 little grandsons. My son is 38 and my daughter is 36....and I often think....how can this be....it's only yesterday that I was in high school and screaming mad for the Beatles. LOL. I remember when my daughter was a babe in arms a woman stopped me and said...enjoy her while she's young, she'll soon grow up. I thought...what a stupid thing to say...and as I just mentioned...that little baby girl is now 36 with babies of her own. :)
Death is pretty much my only fear

Friend of mine - before she karked it - was the same. I find it helps to think about all the possibilities after you die, regardless of how stupid they are. We're soft and supple creatures that weren't designed to live forever, it's just the fear of the unknown that does us in. Go ghost hunting, talk to a Buddhist about reincarnation, talk to a random stranger about it and get really angry at them if they have a different view on it.

That being said, I still want to live to 1000 so I can mooch of the government and my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great god-daughter's niece.

Edit: Did anyone else think of Aeon Flux?
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