why amateurs shouldnt own scrub pythons: warning to all novice herpers! pics!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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brisbane valley
As many of you would know i keep alot of scrub pythons and i regularly explain how much these snakes demand alot of respect and are in a world of their own ...well today was a good example of why!!

A photographer friend came around for some nice scrub python shots today, friend of ours ryan harvey;) not knowing (or not taking my word for it) of how much of a bad bite they can deliver proceeded to help out...ryan grabbed the male scrub whom isnt huge,being 2 years old maybe 2.5mtres long max.
he handled it like you would a spotted python,head was coming up he pushed its face away to help get a good shot...and BAM....in a matter of a second my boy decided to bite his thumb,coil and spin at the same time resulting in one shallow and one very deep laceration to his thumb to the bone! a few jabs of some local and 3 stitches later he learnt his lesson :lol:

now this is why i believe they should be kept on restricted licences or breeders like myself need to be more selective in whom they sell to.
speaking from experience with them and from todays lesson from ryan...be careful!;)


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Hahaha, nice one Ryan!!!

Thanks for sharing Smithy, and for the record I totally agree given the fact Ryan isnt exactly a newbie
That looks like a bite from a Woma because they're on an advanced licence.
A Scrubby couldn't do that much harm, they're only basic!
might be a lesson learned by afew. scrubbies would have to be the most difficult and unpredictable snake to handle
Maybe he should stick to wressling half naked drunks at the BBQs instead :)
There is huge difference between fear and respect
......solar 17 (Baden)
thats it!
definately not putting fear into anyone mate. simply showing what not showing respect to them can result in.....

haha chris we all new one day his lack of brains would prevail.
It is so good you have shared this acident. I think it is really important that people also realise their limitations. For example I am a very 'touchy feely person' and I have been so lucky to have 4 very placcid jungles.....yes I know I have been very lucky regardless of the breed.....however I know myself AND I am very new to the hobby....and I think it is very important to know yourself and your limitations...so when my friend gets his Death Adders out to show me...i put my hands behind my back......and you know what !!! I think Jungles are about as daring as I will ever get !!!!!!!
that good to hear hun :)....its also more giving all snakes respect and having the knowledge of handling and keeping other less potentially "lethal" pythons before jumping into the deep end with scrubbies and any large python for that matter.

after all, it wasnt curiosity that killed the cat... it was complacency ;)
Very good lesson to be learnt... they really are too easily available and you're right in saying breeders should take the utmost care in their approach to selling these animals!
This is exactly why, something even I realise as a beginner, I will only be sticking to carpets for as long as I feel necessary. I know each individual animal even within a sopecies can and do have different temperaments (my newly acquired Jungle is so placid its not funny) but then there is the overall type of personality types of snakes do have and act out in aggression when under the handling of someone who is not used to them or knows enough about them. I would leave snakes like that to professionals of course.

He got off light.....I was smashed by 15 footer about 10 years back.....that hurt.

Big olives, crapets lacies, Perenties, panoptes etc can all give you some very nasty injuries.

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