I often hear so many arguments in favor of legalising and in many respects I agree with them, but there is only one issue that comes to mind with exotics and it's the invasive potential once the animals are established in the wild. Nothing you can do can manage this risk, except require everyone keeping exotics to have routine inspections to ensure their habitats are sealed and escape proof and even then you'll have failures. We do this with other animals, so reptiles should be no exception.
Being illegal, people with corn snakes and the like will be scared and will release them into the wild. How is that helping the environment? Sure, they shouldn't be here in the first place, but they are here, so we need to deal with them in an intelligent manner.
With marijuana, I couldn't care less about the legalities, it's a bloody weed and it's psychoactive properties are no where near as brutal as alcohol, so as far as I'm concerned it should be legal to use in any way, even grow it. I don't see what the problem is, it's another drug of course but nothing close to say heroin or cocaine which I consider to be a serious problem and shouldn't be used at all because they are so incredibly addictive. You can't abuse cannabis and it is not addictive.
Tolerance comes from people looking at the facts and realising that what they've been taught and brainwashed with isn't necessarily right. Things like gay marriage and abortion come to mind as these ones tend to stand out but there are other issues too, like interracial marriages (that some people look down on without rational reason).
You CAN legislate morality, but you have to be smart about it or you'll get no where. Putting people in prison over cannabis when we have gay marriage and abortion being openly accepted smacks of hypocrisy. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. We already have lots of exotics here already, we do need a keeper's system, but only if it can be regulated. None of this pet shop trade because you are going to end up with major headaches before you even realise it.
Trenbolone is by far the best steroid, at least from a serious strength gain perspective...and I used to lift very heavy weights and know people who used trenbolone, including one guy who used to bench press 310kg as his one-rep-max...did I ever use it? Not a bloody chance! I know about horror stories about one man who used it and after he stopped he ended up with a severe case of impotence that he never really recovered from. Pretty sure I don't want to end up with a floppy pecker...steroids are not my cup of tea.