Wild caught rabbits??

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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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Sunshine Coast, Qld
Just wanting to know peoples thoughts on wild caught rabbits for their snakes??
I personaly would rather not feed them to my snakes, I just got some rabbits sent for our pet shop but they are bred for human consumpion but the guy told me he's closing his rabbit farm. There is a shop close by that sells wild cought rabbits but they could have mixo or anything,

I doubt if mixo would effect snakes. I'd be more worried if they had 1080 (rabbit poison) in them.
whats stopping you from going hunting and catching some yourself. If you know where to look they are as common as ants.
Then you could breed them yourself you kept some alive.
isn't it illegal to breed rabbits in QLD or something along those lines?
I personally wouldn't feed anything wild caught to my captive snakes,
Im pretty sure parasites will infect the snake if the food has them...
Correct me if im wrong.
I doubt if mixo would effect snakes. I'd be more worried if they had 1080 (rabbit poison) in them.
How long does it generally take for that product to work Warwick,what about myxomatosis,wouldnt that be a even greater threat as the bunnies can still be jumpy around for months before any ill effects happen to the rabbit..If i had a choice with wild rabbits,i may think twice however i would freeze them for atleast a few months before feeding to any of my snakes....MARK
I dont know; but imagine it would depend upon how much of a poison the rabbit had ingested. It may for example have eaten grass which has been sprayed with herbicide or insecticide. Different chemicals effect different animals in different ways. A chemical may have no effect on rabbits but may be deadly to reptiles! Farm bred rabbits are not much dearer than wild caught or shot but should have far less risk regarding chemical residue, so why take the risk?.
isnt 1080 a fox/dog bait?

1080 is the poison ingredient in a product called Pindane Oats used solely
as a rabbit bait!
I have personally seen this product in use and most of the rabbits are able to feed
more than once on it before it takes its toll. :shock:
Thanks for the comments guys, they are on the same level as my opinion. Just wanted to here everyone else's. I want to try and keep a supply of them in our pet shop as rats are just way to small for some customers and some of my snakes at home. I didnt want to get wild caught ones just incase of any sort of poison or deseases that may get past on if they can.
Got a mate who has kept his MD in an outside aviary in Western Sydney for years. He feeds it wild rabbits occasionally & has never suffered any ill effects, & is in great condition.
Personally I wouldn't do it myself, but my mate doesn't have a problem with it & seems to be a-ok so far.
I wouldn't use wild cought anything for my snakes.
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My husband manages a butcher shop, and they sell frozen dressed rabbits. He has spoken to the breeder/ supplier himself, and he has agreed to supply frozen dead ones for our bredlis when they are bigger. If you can find a local butcher shop that stocks rabbit, and have a chat to the manager, they should be able to put you onto their supplier, and you could take it from there. From the prices we got quoted, it will only cost 1/3 of the price from the breeder, than the pet shop. And, they got to be healthy, as they're grown for human consumption.
Of course the price direct from the breeder is cheaper than via a pet shop. That is the price of convenience. I farm beef and also recieve less than the price at the butchers shop, but at least your husband has a job , eh?
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