Winter times

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Not so new Member
Feb 24, 2010
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Hi all I have a quik question as to heating in winter as the temps are down as low as 10 at night and day temp can be 25 here in QLD. I have a habistat therm on a timer. Do I change the timer for a later time in the afternoon and switch off at more like 10am. any advice would be great .:):)
It depends on what you want to do and what age & species of reptiles you are keeping. You may not need to switch off the heat at all. The main thing is having a heat gradient in the enclosure. If you want to start cooling for winter, that's one thing. If not breeding, there's no problem with 24 hour heat.
She is a hatchie about 4 mths old and Is it ok to keep the same temp set through winter as in summer or do you lower it a bit to keepin with the seasons. The main reason I ask is of in the wild there is no heat sorce at night as with a snoke kept in captivity.
With hatchies I give them 24/7 heat all year round. Once they hit a year old they get no heating at night.
Your hatchling will need a gradient of temps with the warm spot reaching 31 - 32 all of the time. You will get a steeper gradient in winter as the cool end gets cooler. At one year you can decide whether to turn off heat at night. In NSW my cages get a bit too cool for northern species at night in winter, so I have Habistat day/night thermostats. Those may not be necessary in QLD or for species which live in more southern locales like MD or Bredls.
Hi all I have a quik question as to heating in winter as the temps are down as low as 10 at night and day temp can be 25 here in QLD. I have a habistat therm on a timer. Do I change the timer for a later time in the afternoon and switch off at more like 10am. any advice would be great .:):)

are you sure thats right its still about 30 during the day and about 20 at night here,
I have about the same temps now but was checking to see others ideas on this area as in a few months the temps will be down that low if we see a winter this year. Just like to see how others cope with winter in the central QLD area. Im thinking of changing to a heat cord as well as the heat light ( Cermic type ) to mantain a better temp through this winter.
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