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Active Member
Jun 12, 2011
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
I'm buying myself a python for my bday and am keen on something a bit different, like a woma, green tree python or rough scaled. Can people offer any advice with which one to get? I've had heaps of experience working with snakes, and the woma I'm quite familiar with in terms of husbandry, size, personality, etc.

GTPs and RSPs I haven't dealt with much, what can people tell me about them handling and behaviour wise? I've heard both good and bad things, but there isn't anything general about the species, like how woma are foody, jungles are snappy, while bredli are placid. I know it comes down to individual snakes but there is usually something general to be said about the species. I've only handled a roughie once and he was quite snappy, which I put down to him not being handled much by owner.

Anything regards husbandry I'll be thoroughly researching, so don't worry about that; at the moment I'm just interested in personalities.
Are either the GTP or roughie good to handle? I'm interested in introducing my mum and little bro to snakes, and am leaning towards to the woma who I know to be friendly.
Thanks guys!
The womas ive met have all been quite easy going. I spoke to my boss(a very experienced herp keeper) the other day about my desire for a gtp and his opinion was that they an be painful, you have to be careful as some can prolapse, etc and researching your breeder and their lines is of the outmost importance, he said his werent as keen as some to be handled, more of a pretty to look at but not so much a get out a play with kinda snake. Cant offer anything onthe roughie.
my advice is to get what ever snake YOU want , rather then asking for help to decide . why can you have one of each ?
Sometimes finding out some more info can allow hou to see whats in your heart or stop you from making a big mistake. Nothing worse than uying an animal only to discover it wasnt what you thought it would be.
But...but...I want all of them. Plus about forty more snakes. And lizards. And a croc. I don't have the space or money to get all of them! Yet ;)
I'm scratching roughie off the list. They look wicked, but I'll wait until they're a bit more common to grab one. Unless someone has some particularly encouraging info =)
Strongly considering GTP, they are stunning. I have heard about the prolapse, and will research breeders to make sure I'm buying a healthy animal with good parents.
But then again, a woma is a woma, and therefore awesome. But a GTP - have you seen those things??? SO pretty!!
Oh goodness this is hard.
And my bday is the end of Feb, so will have a chance to visit the Melbourne VHS expo =D
Im working on the theory that when i get my gtp it will be a display tank. Only and if i appen to end up with oe that doesnt mind being handled then thatsa bonus
I would personally lean towards a GTP
Mainly because they are so visual
Whereas you might not see a woma for weeks on end

Both can be great handlers
Main drawback with hatchy GTPs is that they are pretty delicate
Better off grabbing a yearling in my opinion; particularly if you want to play with it
GTP are definitely the most visually impressive snake. I think if I got one I'd get a yearling, mainly because I've heard they're delicate and also that they can be difficult to start feeding with mice, so an established animal would be a good idea.
What's the bet that I'll buy a GTP and then quickly follow up with a woma and a Stimmie? Man this is an expensive hobby to get into.
Maybe I'll get a GTP and a woma, that way the woma can have the bottom of the cage and the GTP can have the top? (Joking! Hands up how many were ready to flame at that? :p)
Is it best to look online for an animal or should I wait until the expo? Are there usually many animals on sale there? Woma and GTP in particular?
I know you've said you scratched the Roughie from the list, but I keep them and thought I would throw in my 2 cents.

First up, go with what you want, not what other people tell you to get.

I have kept RSP's from hatchlings and bought one at a much older age. The ones I have had from hatchlings are the most placid snakes in my collection, but the one I bought from a zoo (older one), just wants to be left alone, which I beleave she is like that because she was never handled.

RSP's have been my all time favorite python for years now and here are my reasons.
There rough feel is amazing, there normally pretty placid (luckily, because they have the largest teeth of all Aussie pythons, for there SIZE), there big eyes are amazing, there head shape and body type is very similar to a GTP, but they won't drop dead if you look at them wrong (not literal), they change colours at night (more of a cream), there patterns revers from the top of there body to the bottom, there threat display is opening there mouth as wide as it can go (to show of there masive teeth) but they don't tend to bite, when there young, they coil themselves into a ball and if you place them on a table and walk away, they will still be there 20 minutes later.



RSPCrazy, that was cruel, I had just narrowed down my choices and now the RSPs are back as an option!! They are seriously gorgeous creatures, the one in the last pic is a stunner! They sound like fascinating creatures to watch (especially the guy in the second pic, what a sweetie!).
You, er, don't happen to know of any people breeding them do you? I actually might PM you about husbandry, you seem like the guy to ask.

Okay, so now I have to budget for a GTP, woma, and a roughie. Why did I even start this thread? I should've known I was going to end up with all three anyway...
just a quick generalisation, keeping in mind that all snakes are different within a species, gtps are considered a more "look but don't touch" rsps are considered to be very docile snakes and womas, well they love their food.

end of the day get what you want.
so i guess u have your advanced license? , i must say i do like womas even tho come food time they arnt the smartest thing going around. the tail wag and head bob are funny to see , i started out with 1 woma and now i have 6 lol .
LOVE Womas, amazingly quirky attitude & generally a very docile animal except at feeding time which is good in my opinion, means you shouldn't have feeding issues.

I have had my RSP for 3 months now, had wanted one since I read about them about 15-20yrs ago. So far he hasn't bitten or struck, I got him as an advanced hatchie & going by the breeder he had spent quite a bit of time handling to get them out of the hatchie snappiness which alot of hatchie have. These guys feel amazing, I LOVE the eyes & head & from what I have read or been told by others & my limit experience so far they are very placid, obviously you can get a snappy snake in any species though.

It is a very hard decision but I too say go with what you want, wwe had none at the start of the yr but now have 6 so you will probably end up with the lot sooner or later anyway.

What happened to getting an Olive for your B'day?
I get the feeling that my order of snake purchases will go RSP, woma and then GTP. There's suddenly been a huge influx of info on the RSP and they sound like intelligent, curious, placid and very interesting animals. Since I've never worked with them now's my opportunity to get up close and personal.
Thanks for all the advice, comments and PMs everyone! Oh and I'll be applying for my advanced license today. Literally filling in paperwork now.

What happened to getting and Olive for your B'day?
Both my roommate and my parents freaked when they realised how big it would get. :( Roomie didn't like the idea of a 6 foot enclosure taking up all the room and parents didn't like the thought of a giant snake giving me cuddles. Especially when it comes to feeding time. I'm pretty gutted at not getting one (I guess I'll have to be content working with them), but it's not a bad idea to wait for a more permanent living arrangement. Plus now I'll be getting Advanced animals which is exciting. :D
good choise Roughies are amazing , i just got 2 given to me for my birthday and they are great , we have GTP's as well and love them too , they dont hide away like other snakes
I 2 would like to get a roughie for my next snake! and a GTP..... and a woma...... tho the other half is not keen on me turning the study in2 a snake room! cant understand why tho as he has the shed i use the study so why not make it look amazing while im doing my uni work with some amazing snakes!!!!!

Anyone have any info about roughies that they could pm me id be very happy!! Anything about enclosures etc would be g8! Do they hide much?! As i have a stimmie she is 99% of the time in her hide unless its night! Sorry 2 take over the thread with my q's!!!
I'm in the same boat lol been looking at a bhp,woma or a roughie. Getting one from snake ranch so might end up getting two of the three lol
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