I was initially very negative about it myself, I stomped around and threw a few tantrums, but in the end Blizzard seemed to know what they were doing. A rogue nerf finally made PVP more fun. And sure, I'm not happy about Pandas...
I quit at the start of the year and to be honest enjpying not playing
all my 6 years of playing I was a very well known player in the australian community and towards the end top end guilds
but yea if you remember skincarver or sistinas you are awesome
I started Guildwars two last weekend, enjoying it so far. I have to say though as pc gamers we owe a lot to blizzcon for all their groundbreaking games.
too much pandaing (pun intended) to raiders & crazy hardcore nutbags. You can't make the hardcore nutbags happy and have a smooth well rounded game that everyone can get into.
The entire game is for losers hahaha nah each to there own+2 off the wow crack but was on silvermoon! All Horde! Alliance is for losers lol
I am guessing you never experienced vanilla wow?
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