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Hey morlia when are you moving over here>?

And to Sydney I imagine, bugger those other states off! (Runs and hides in the closet now..!)
pugsly, soon mate, soon !! I have a few things here i need to sell (2 hatchling bredlis,1 jungle, 2 marine tanks) not alot but its around $3000.00 worth of stuff, I'd be mad to leave it, im hoping i'll be there within the next few months :wink: sooner the better!
Sweet, well be sure to come around for a beer when you arrive!

I had a marine tank up and going but damn too much maintenence for me.. Had a few Blue Tangs and clowns (of course) a six line wrasse, and a coral beauty, but my favourite was my banded shrimp he was awesome..
lol no mate, he died after about 18months..

Here he is

Skinny prawn. Probably died of malnutrition. Or stress cause he didn't have a missus. hehehe
hehe to hard to tell if they are male or female, so didnt ever bother getting another one or they would have killed each other..

What do you keep moreliaman?

And sorry MrBredli for hijacking this thread!
There used to be a large market for fox pelts, especially from cold areas. Farmers would be paid around $20-50 per pelt, depending on condition, bullet holes etc. As a rsult, most farming areas had several locals who would go out once a week or so and shoot all the foxes they could find, skin them, sell the pelts and throw a carton or two to the farmers who's properties they had accessed to shoot the foxes. With the advent on faux fur and the stigma attatched to wearing fur, this all stopped, coinciding with the drop in the price of lambs. Farmers no longer found it economical to shoot foxes, numbers went up hugely and they are struggling to bring them under control.
I don't know whether to call that false economy, false environmentalism or just plain stupid. I would love a fox fur coat, especially if I knew it had been created from "wild harvested" foxes, in turn helping farmers and the environment.
Somebody told me redbacks were introduced? I found that hard to believe?? Anybody know for sure?
Redbacks were'nt but Black Widows are American so they probably were.
There will be quite a few people up here pleased and very surprised to hear the Fire Ants have been wiped out, last I heard their range was spreading.

Dicco said:
There was an outbreak of Fire ants around Brisbane, but it seems to have been wiped out.
Hix, not all of Aust, but they infest small areas, and I'm talking about Christmas Island with the Crazy ants, sorry bout the dove, got confused and the american cockroach may be cosmopolitan, but it was intoduced.
I did wonder when someone would include us, the 'achievements' of the others mentioned pale into insignificance against the damage we have done and continue to do.

peterjohnson64 said:
Personally, I think we should have added ourselves to the list!!!
But you can't make a beautiful coat out of fur either, the only place it looks beautiful is on an animal other than a human. :wink:

reptililian said:
Can't make a beautiful coat out of an accountant though!!
Not at all, most on the list are recent arrivals and can't in anyway be blamed on the English try as they might :lol:

Moreliaman said:
So it was englishmen that brought everything over then ? and then let it go ! even cornsnakes eh pete !! ? :? englishmen released those to yeah ? lol
terrapin is a native Nth American word for any edible chelid.
Much like mala is an Australian Aboriginal word for any edible hopping marsupial.
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