YAHOO NEWS "Snakes on the move in Sydney"

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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2005
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Bris/Gold Coast
Friday October 26, 03:32 PM

Snakes on the move in Sydney
Zoologists are warning of snakes in the grass - and they're not referring to the federal election.

As the days get longer, venomous snakes become more active in the suburbs.


The warm and dry weather sends Australia's snakes into suburban Sydney on the look out for food and water.

You're most likely to find a slithering reptile in your backyard around rubbish, long grass or a water source like a pond or a pool.

As the weather heats up, so does the snakes' search for a companion. Daylight saving marks the start of the peak breeding season for Australia's venomous snakes.

"Now is the beginning of their active season so it is important to exercise caution when outdoors, especially if your home has accessible food and water for them," Sydney Wildlife World reptile keeper John Mostyn said in a statement.

Houses with chickens, birds, guinea pigs, mice and rabbits are particularly attractive for the snakes, especially those with chicken coops that are likely to attract rodents.

Residents are encouraged to keep their gardens and houses clean in a bid to deter the reptiles.

"Daylight saving is the best time to mow lawns and remove any rubbish around the home," he said.

The red-belly black snake is the most common variety of venomous snake in New South Wales, but they are shy and unlikely to bite.

The unpredictable eastern brown snake, one of the deadliest in the world, is one to be much more wary of, although it too will avoid humans if it can.

"If you do encounter a snake, slowly back away and try not to panic," Mr Mostyn said.

"Don't approach the snake because this is often how people are bitten. Always call 000 immediately if bitten.

"Snakes are not out to attack people. However, they will defend themselves if they feel threatened."
lol did u guys hear about that guy last year who saw a "blue tongue lizard" so he went and grabbed it, and it turned out to be a large brown snake hiding in the grass lol. suffice to say he died
lol did u guys hear about that guy last year who saw a "blue tongue lizard" so he went and grabbed it, and it turned out to be a large brown snake hiding in the grass lol. suffice to say he died
I remember the guy who picked up the death adder thinking it was a lizard and got bite 5 times but he survived
alot of people who die from snake bites are drunk i hear, because they wanna be cool and see irwin etc doing it and figure they can too
'Daylight savings is the start of the breeding season for venomous snakes'. I found this article very amusing... particularly the bit about making sure you clean any rubbish around your house, and mow the lawn.

I can just see it now.... Mr Brown Snake peeks through a hole in the back fence into the unsuspecting home owners backyard... ready to set up camp for the season... but NO! He can't go in there..... CUT GRASS! NO RUBBISH! How dare they?

So he moves on to another backyard. The one with the rubbish, and long grass. So he can tag the person who just now has decided to clean up that pile of old timber as suggested by the article in Yahoo that really should have been delivered to the public in Winter.
lol did u guys hear about that guy last year who saw a "blue tongue lizard" so he went and grabbed it, and it turned out to be a large brown snake hiding in the grass lol. suffice to say he died
I remember the guy who picked up the death adder thinking it was a lizard and got bite 5 times but he survived

Hahahahaha *so confusing* That's how I heard it too Coxy ;)

I love it when the snakes are on the move. Winter gets sooo depressing at times :lol:
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