Yayyy!!! Tarzan & Jane just ate!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2011
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My bed/herp room, VIC
For the first time since we've owned them, our new baby Jungle Carpet Pythons just snapped down a pinky in NO time! It was amazing. I'm such a proud Mum.
I can't wait to see this pair grow up together.
They're gorgeous and obviously happy to eat.
All thanx to Clitybangspython from this site :D

Jumanji and Delilah [the Stimsons] shall hopefully eat too and still waiting on the other meals to defrost.
I love feeding night :)

Just thought I would share my excitement.
Great to hear. It is a relief when your new little ones take their first meal in their new homes without any problems. Love their names :lol:
Uh huh. Thanx babe =]

Cheers Crystal!

5 Out of 8 ain't bad. Just the 3 Stimmo's that didn't eat.
All 3 are housed together [seperately] in a 3 bank enclosure.... 2 boys and a girl we have.
The enclosures are all roughly 3x2x2ft each.
We [the boyfriend and myself] have heard and read soooo many things about Stimsons Pythons and their feeding habits but can anyone tell me any opinions themselves?
The main thing we are concerned about is that the boys can smell the girl and refuse to eat because of this. Troy's been told from others that if their boy Stimmo even see's a girl from 10ft away he'll refuse to eat for months. Could this be true? Should I seperate them into different rooms? I didn't think it would be a huge concern.
But then again it's that time of year.
I dunno.
I want them to eat. Especially the girl.
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We have had 1 boy for a couple of years and he has eaten pretty regularly up until as of late. The other 2 we got in Feb and the girl has only eaten a pinky since but the boy has eaten 4 times. Help?
Taraleigh, im just curious as to where you got your stimsons pythons? im currently in the market for a hatchling and having no luck in victoria lol.
Congrats :) It was a big relief when I got one of my jungles home and she ate straight away, after struggling for ages with a non feeder. I still have a non feeder, but I'm just going to keep offering until he takes it.
Taraleigh, im just curious as to where you got your stimsons pythons? im currently in the market for a hatchling and having no luck in victoria lol.

There are a few of us that breed quality stimmies, you just need to know who to ask
Congrats.truly congrats.sometimes it can be a wee bit hairy with a newie,and always the biggest relief when they chow down.they feel proud,you feel proud.It's a good thing.
Taraleigh, im just curious as to where you got your stimsons pythons? im currently in the market for a hatchling and having no luck in victoria lol.

We got Mikey from Pails for Scales in Ballarat and Jumanji and Delilah from the Reptile & Amphibian Expo in Feb in Melb this year. But I'd suggest looking at Snake Ranch. They've got some awesome specials at the moment.

..... Can anyone please help with my Stimmo issue?
Just curious, how long have you had the jungles, and how many times did they refuse?
The Antaresia genus is very in tune with the environmental changes in the seasons.
It is very common for sub adult and adults of this genus to read these conditions and stop feeding in preparation for the onset of the brumation cycle.

This will generally occur even when the heat levels are kept the same in the enclosure all year round, Its part of their life cycle.
The Antaresia genus is very in tune with the environmental changes in the seasons.
It is very common for sub adult and adults of this genus to read these conditions and stop feeding in preparation for the onset of the brumation cycle.

This will generally occur even when the heat levels are kept the same in the enclosure all year round, Its part of their life cycle.

Thankyou =]

Female Stimsons, Delilah is the smallest. She's not unhealthy looking though. Apparently her and Jumanji are the same age at nearly 3ish but there is a considerable size difference between them. They have both shed. Mikey is almost 5.
Alecia and Jane.jpg
Haha I took this photo last night, I found that Jane had shed her skin [for the first time in our hands] and Troy and I have just started this walkway-bamboo-shed-hanger thing. The first one is Alecia, our rapidly growing beautiful Olive python. The comparison makes me laugh.
Tarzan and Jane have both ate more than once now and will more than likely SMASH another meal tonight. Such good little feeders :) And Kaa.... The added female to make them a trio... She's cute too.... She has a heart on her head.... she eats well also.
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