yowie power

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2009
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wide bay
i mean the little animal toys you used to be able to get in the cadbery chocolates, not the foke-law monster big-foots

any one remember them?
any one still have them?
any one want to send some my way?
ive got quite a few of them, but i want more, especialt the fish,birds,herps and the dinosaur ones. was never too fond of the internatinal animals line that they had.

also why we are talking yowies, what was your fave little animal (if you collected them). mine was the wedge tail,
hahah when I was little I would steal these because I didn't know it was stealing at the time.

I used to a have a few hundred of these.

My favorite was the bandy bandy
hahah when I was little I would steal these because I didn't know it was stealing at the time.

haha, I have done somethings i didnt know i was doing at the time, but never stole yowies :lol:
the bandy bandy was pritty cool (i have it now lol) and so was the adder, and the mangrove moniter. ahh good times
i had the grasshopper. I dont know how they expected a 4 year old to put that together.
I ate the numbat as well.
Fished a few out of the toilet (the fish can't swim that will)

I loved the prehistoric ones.
The Tasmanian Tiger was awesome too.
omg they were soooo awesome, i had like a whole shoe box full of them, collecting them between my sister and myself..... they were soo cool :p no idea if i still have them though
omg they were soooo awesome, i had like a whole shoe box full of them, collecting them between my sister and myself..... they were soo cool :p no idea if i still have them though

true, if ya find them give me a yell/pm, ill take 'em if you dont want 'em any more (ill even pay for 'em too)
Iv got quite a few sitting away in an ice cream tub i believe
cool, oh should mention, any one who would be willing to give or sell me there yowies,
please pm me. and if you can send a pic of them not to be too picky but id like ones that are in good nic with not too much paint ware/damage, also let me know wht you want for them. and naturaly ill pay for postage, but PM me to nut out the details.

also it think its good/ fun that we can all shares there little memories of our yowie experiances. so keep 'em comming.
I have about 700 of them in my garage (no I didn't eat ALL the chocolate myself).
I ate the numbat as well.

That nearly made me blow softdrink out of my nose. I've done it before, and the sensation is not pleasant! I just love how I was just reading along, and then came across that simple, matter-of-fact, straight forward statement- for some reason I found it funny :) RIP mr numbat

I think all the study has fried my brain...

Anyway, Back onto the topic, I do have a heap of them somewhere in Brissie, but no idea where, and I wont be home till mid december sorry!
ohh I was talking about these with my mum just the other day :D Loved them so much haha have loads somewhere but I can't find them, I wanted to have them around my room :S
i remember i ued to play with them in the sand pit (yes we had a sand pit)

i used to have doubbles of most of the birds so i used to pretend that they were maried
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