western bluetongue enclosure and age

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Not so new Member
Apr 6, 2007
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Hi All,

Was wondering if there is anyone out there that could help me with a couple of questions. Firstly we have decided that we will start out with a western bluetongue for my son ...and then as he gets more experienced and a little older he can move onto a stimpson. I have found someone who has three western bluetongues for sale but they wont be ready for about 3 months. Does anyone know how old a western bluetongue should be before it is saleable? I ask this as I would like to get one that is as young as possible but also one that is not too young that we have problems from the beginning with it... any help on this would be great.

The other question was about its enclosure. .. I would like to build an enclosure and was thinking either marineply or melamine...which would be easier to clean and less toxic to the bluetongue? Also I would like to build the cage so that it is big enough for it as it grows...What would be a good size..some people I have spoken to have suggested 1500 x 800 w.... how high should it be taking into consideration room for a heat lamp...also what size lamp would be best and how low should it be to the substrate?...sorry if these questions sound way to simple....we are beginners and want to get it right the first time....

Thanks in advance for any help here...

A Newby:)
Always good to ask too many questions before you start than try and get them all rushed once you're already involved...

I haven't kept Blueys for many years and even then I was a kid so won't be a HUGE help on exacts, what I can definately recommend is to find yourself some books to use as reference "Keeping Bluetongues" is one (you can find it on eBay for about $12 or any reptile savvy pet store..."Australian Reptiles in Captivity" is also a great book written by John Weigel...

Both books will help immensely with the basic info required...
id go with a normal bluey. depending what state you live in you need a class 2 for western blueys if in NSW
First thing i'd check is if your license covers western blueys. In nsw they are a catergory 2 license then if that checks out go here.

I found alot of usefull info on this site as well so use the search function at the top of this page

AHH to slow
Thanks for the replys and site info....it all helps... Tristis here in wa we need a cat 2 license for western bluetongues....the advise i have been given so far is that these are by far the best starters...placid nature and easy diet....
Dragons...thanks for the site..am going there to take a look now..

A Newby
Being a West Aussie, you can't get normal blueys.
Height is not really important for the bluey, it's more for access for cleaning. 60 cm should be heaps, but 90 cm will give you a better view. I'd go for 60cm deep rather than 80cm, better use of materials and easier to clean.
If you can, I'd use marine ply or similar, blueys tend to make a mess and melamine will decay if any moisture gets onto the chipboard, seal the joints really well if you use it. Blueys can also be kept in glass tanks, or converted sideboards / cupboards.
hi westerner,i second bluetongue skinks.net,they have a detailed care sheet that is full of the info u r after,and i just got 4 juvie westerns shipped to me from sa,im in vic and they were only a couple of weeks old,they r ready as soon as they r born as they fend for themselves from then on in the wild,the person may just want to grow them a bit first,not sure,hope that helps
Thanks maggie for the tip on the height.....hadnt thought about height and ease of cleaning..... from what I know..which aint much... we can only get the coastal which we call a shingleback or goanna...the centralian or western..all cat 2 license here....

thanks richard..i just finished reading that site....it appears to be an american site....but was very interesting and i have bookmarked it for my son to read....it has heaps of info and am sure I will visit there again as I need to look stuff up....

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