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Wrasse that was pure poetry! One of the best things I have ever read :D

My snakes dont bore me at all even though they just sleep all day and come out when everyone is asleep...everyone else that comes to the house though thinks there boring "make it move!" "does it just lay there like that all the time?" "why do you want to keep something that doesnt do anything except want to kill you?"

To me they are the most fascinating creatures in existance and I can watch them 24/7 and do see myself keeping snakes for the rest of my life!
Thanks to all that were complimentary. My fingers ran away with me when the soppy grin came over my face thinking about my reptilian friends. And so much more I thought to add but never did...

The huge intense eyes of the little green tree snakes watching me from their safe havens behind leaves in cages in my bedroom. As, in the morning, swaying slightly, thin green branches, not snakes, (you can't see me!) they warily stare and quietly chastise me for my laziness as they laid awake for hours patiently waiting to see me move... swaying, swaying...

The fixed gaze of the little keels, peering stealthily from under an edge of newspaper, or from behind a stalk of sphagnum moss, nervous and flighty and ready to throw themselves into their water bowls for protection if I move too fast or look too dangerous. Egging each other on to greater displays of bravado as they flip and leap. Skip that room, walk around the long way, save scaring them, I could use the exercise anyway.

The ever watchful water pythons. One day I will give up trying to fool a water python, they know what I am doing before I myself do. Feeding time ! Or I dare to touch their cage ! Don't try to sneak up on a water python. The explosion of activity from under the newspaper or from behind the hide and all of a sudden it's me leaping higher, laughing stupidly as I almost get caught, surprised by the very animal I was trying to sneak up on.. (Did I say almost ? Now where was that towel ?)

That one beautiful water python, her shy gentle delicate nature always there to make up for the rest. Don't be upset Mum, I am here to restore your faith in the water python species...

The Olive Prince, eyes and head turned to the sky, pupils wide, as he waits for the Rat God to lower the offering to his Royal Olive Blood (note the capitals there... minimum requirement for an Olive of his own self importance). It has to be up there somewhere, that offering, wait long enough and it will fall. Patience, patience, endless patience, until eventually, the lure to sleep becomes too great and quietly the Olive Prince slips off to rest. Surprise Surprise !! The Rat God delivers ! Always just as he gives up... That Rat God has a wicked sense of timing and humour. ;)

The wonderful trusting Grande Dame of them all. Cleopatra. Quiet, patient Cleo. Open the door to say hello as she reaches gently to me, to flick a hello and sniff me over, lay a head on my own head or shoulder and to rest on me, appreciating my warmth. A far greater patience shown than I, the puny human can match, until eventually my legs ache from the semi squat and sadly I have to shift her back to her perch as standing, I attempt to stop the pins and needles and the blood starts to flow again. A promise to come visit again tomorrow as she settles back and flicks goodbye and I lock the door shut.

See now, I did it again... Bad fingers! Once more they ran away with me.

I am loving this thread, enjoying very much to see how reps have brightened peoples lives.

Thank you Ryan. :)
I can be poetic too, Dannielle...

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Keeping snakes is boring
This doesn't rhyme and I don't care

See, it's not that hard...
pffft, theyre so not boring,..if one animal isnt being exciting something is is sure to be out and about,..

i can spend hours watchign teh geckos at night, and the beardies during teh day, well, theyre just so entertaining!!!
i wouldnt say they r boring they have the perfect life, sit in the sun all day take naps all day, wait for someone to feed you and clean up after you, and take you out for a bit of exercise,. sounds like a good life to me
My pythons are the most entertaining animals i have. They are definately more active that my chihuahua, All she does is sleep on her cushion all day and night. My snakes dont stop.

My olive is a mental, he paces his enclosure all day wanting to get out and explore. Some days i dont think he sleeps at and my big coastal boy is the same. As soon as i walk past hes got his head pressed up on the glass waiting for me to open it and when i do he climbs strait up my arm and on my neck. He would be happy just to sit around my neck all day. He always manages to wake me up at night with his loud thuds when he falls off his branch
Mind you my youngsters are the total opposite but i guess they will be just as active when they arnt so scared.

You just need to find the right animal i guess.
They all have different personalitys like people(you get boring lazy people who just like to sit around and you can get crazy hypo people aswell)
Reptiles are entertaining if you take time to notice them. My snakes are deffinately better value than my dog. You could say there even more sociable to.

haha, i tend to find them a bit annoying when theyre watching me get ready for work and wanting food,...!!

damn spoilt critters,!!

i wouldnt say they r boring they have the perfect life, sit in the sun all day take naps all day, wait for someone to feed you and clean up after you, and take you out for a bit of exercise,. sounds like a good life to me
Thanks to all that were complimentary. My fingers ran away with me when the soppy grin came over my face thinking about my reptilian friends. And so much more I thought to add but never did...

The huge intense eyes of the little green tree snakes watching me from their safe havens behind leaves in cages in my bedroom. As, in the morning, swaying slightly, thin green branches, not snakes, (you can't see me!) they warily stare and quietly chastise me for my laziness as they laid awake for hours patiently waiting to see me move... swaying, swaying...

The fixed gaze of the little keels, peering stealthily from under an edge of newspaper, or from behind a stalk of sphagnum moss, nervous and flighty and ready to throw themselves into their water bowls for protection if I move too fast or look too dangerous. Egging each other on to greater displays of bravado as they flip and leap. Skip that room, walk around the long way, save scaring them, I could use the exercise anyway.

The ever watchful water pythons. One day I will give up trying to fool a water python, they know what I am doing before I myself do. Feeding time ! Or I dare to touch their cage ! Don't try to sneak up on a water python. The explosion of activity from under the newspaper or from behind the hide and all of a sudden it's me leaping higher, laughing stupidly as I almost get caught, surprised by the very animal I was trying to sneak up on.. (Did I say almost ? Now where was that towel ?)

That one beautiful water python, her shy gentle delicate nature always there to make up for the rest. Don't be upset Mum, I am here to restore your faith in the water python species...

The Olive Prince, eyes and head turned to the sky, pupils wide, as he waits for the Rat God to lower the offering to his Royal Olive Blood (note the capitals there... minimum requirement for an Olive of his own self importance). It has to be up there somewhere, that offering, wait long enough and it will fall. Patience, patience, endless patience, until eventually, the lure to sleep becomes too great and quietly the Olive Prince slips off to rest. Surprise Surprise !! The Rat God delivers ! Always just as he gives up... That Rat God has a wicked sense of timing and humour. ;)

The wonderful trusting Grande Dame of them all. Cleopatra. Quiet, patient Cleo. Open the door to say hello as she reaches gently to me, to flick a hello and sniff me over, lay a head on my own head or shoulder and to rest on me, appreciating my warmth. A far greater patience shown than I, the puny human can match, until eventually my legs ache from the semi squat and sadly I have to shift her back to her perch as standing, I attempt to stop the pins and needles and the blood starts to flow again. A promise to come visit again tomorrow as she settles back and flicks goodbye and I lock the door shut.

See now, I did it again... Bad fingers! Once more they ran away with me.

I am loving this thread, enjoying very much to see how reps have brightened peoples lives.

Thank you Ryan. :)
hey wrasse how cool are those green tree snakes when thay sway and sit there and watch ya gota luv em :D
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