Snake Found After 10 Months (Long Story)

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Very Well-Known Member
May 29, 2009
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The story goes:

Ever since I was about 7 I wanted a snake and yadda yadda, that day came around when I finally decided to get my reptile licence. I found a gorgeous little spotted for $245. Unfortunately the night that I brought him (or her) home I noticed a slight clicking sound coming from him (or her).... I knew exactly what that meant. The next day we were at the vets. They didn't know what to do... no one specialised in reptiles here. I knew he needed Baytril and so the vet weighed him up and gave him an injection. I returned to the supplier of the gorgeous little spotted and they offered to hold on to him while he was ill (considering the fact that I noticed his illness less than 6 hours after I brought him home). They said they would contact me when he got better. I loved that snake. I cried, hoping everything would be alright. I called in every 2 days to check on him. 2 weeks later - they had sold him.... WITHOUT contacting me. I was in disbelief.

They replaced him with his really feisty sibling. This little spotted was 6 months old. I kept him in a 40 cm plastic pet tub with a few hiding spots. Coming up to his (or her) first birthday I thought I'd spoil him with a brand new 3 foot tank, secured with a fitted "Snake & Lizard" Metal Mesh Lid, weighted down. I decked it out all with all these gorgeous plastic/fabric rainforest plants and that special reptile vine, awesome little logs and rocks, etc, etc. Anyway, he loved it... I always saw him climbing the vines/plants and curling up on a rock or in a log.

Feeding time came around, I had his rodents sitting in warm water defrosting, and his feeding tank set up ready and waiting... but I couldn't find him in any of his favourite hiding spots. This scared me. I immediately started taking out and inspecting every decoration one by one. After looking at a completely empty tank I freaked out. I searched every nook and cranny I could think of. The curtain rods, under the carpet, in my drawers in the back of the fridge, the neighbors gardens... everywhere. I asked my neighbors to search their houses for him... but he never showed up. I searched what to do online. We set up traps, I set up his tank with his heat mat and opened it - hoping he would return. The traps were made of a plastic drinking bottle containing a pinkie for scent. It was full of air holes and had a one way entrance (a flap made from a plastic bag). We set up about 5 of these all around the house, in the garden and in the neighbors garden... nothing was caught (except a bug or two).

About 2 days after he went missing I was outside at night. It was dark and my dog was sniffing near something that seemed to slither It was hard to tell because my dog is quite large and was towering over whatever it was.... I thought "oh god". I rushed in front of him and picked the snake up. I though "Ah huh! You've finally showed yourself!" Then it turned around to bite me and I quickly placed it down, while I told my dog to back away.... it was a Small-Eyed snake... gah, not my spotted - a lucky escape. We relocated this guy out of the yard near a small creek with a bounty of field mice and small skinks which was only a couple hundred metres away (this may have been where he came from and I only did this because he was an elapid and didn't seem to be scared of dogs - which is dangerous for any snake). He may come back some time in the future... but I have yet to spot him around.

Anyway... a few months past without any sign of any more snakes. I grew disheartened and blamed my cat... thinking he had caught and killed my snake - earning himself a $245 meal... I would look at him and say "you. you. grr. I bet you got him".... I never punished my cat (who was actually only a kitten at the time) but I always talked the blame on him, lol. After 3 months had past I packed up all his things and put them in a bag. His tank became home for 4 of my female mice... I was breeding mice and selling them to fund the purchases of frozen ones.

Last Friday I was studying for a university exam and looked for a small notebook... I only found my snakes old feeding and shedding logbook... since it had been almost 10 months since his disapearance I tore out the pages and sighed. That night was quite cold. I had grabbed a torch and got up to grab an extra jumper from my cupboard. As I walked past the old snake tank I skimmed the torch over the top (for whatever reason I do not know).... and paused. I called for my boyfriend - told him to come over here. I wasn't surprised by the fact that there was a largish snake on top of the home of my mice, but the fact that it was a spotted python had sent excitement to the tips of my toes.

I grabbed a pillowcase and my boyfriend placed the very fiesty snake inside it. I rushed around to set up a temporary tank to check it out. I pulled out the heat mat and water bowl and a hiding box and threw in some substrate then transfered the snake into the 5 min set up tank. I covered the tank with the pillowcase and let the snake settle for a little while... but I noticed that the first thing he did was curl up in the corner... not usual for a wild snake, I thought. I rushed over to my laptop and pulled out a few old pictures of the little spotted who escaped. I opened pictures that showed the snake from basically every angle. After a little while I removed the pillow case and peered in the tank.

Every single marking aligned. EVERY little dot and splotch. I checked my pythons estimated size for his age and it is almost exact. He is about the thickness of my thumb and around about a meter long. He was about the thickness of my pinky and about 60cms long we he escaped. I was absolutely thrilled! I couldn't calm myself, I was talkative and jittery with excitement.

But yet... as the situation dawns I am disheartened... because I don't have to confidence to handle him at this size. When he was younger his bites meant nothing but a single drop of blood... now however, I imagine those teeth would hurt. So have have planned to hold onto him for a bit and give him a feed or two (he's quite fat at the moment though). I will get him checked by my vet for anything out of the ordinary and will try to find someone who is experienced with grumpy spotteds. He's about 1 year and 9 months old, escaped early September last year.

Thanks for reading.
Well thats a great story and im glad you found your spotted,one thing ,where do you live,If you are in a area where Spotteds are, what makes you think its the one lost...
wow so glad to hear that you found him. aawsome story, you must be so thrilled!
Well thats a great story and im glad you found your spotted,one thing ,where do you live,If you are in a area where Spotteds are, what makes you think its the one lost...


To answer your question: -

I have yet to spot a Spotted around here, but I do know that they are known to live in this area. I'm on the Central Coast of Queensland.

I was prepared to release the snake if it wasn't him, and I thought there was a 50/50 chance of it not being him.

But I know it is him because, as I said in the story:

1. Every single one of his spots and blotches matches with the photos I had taken on him before his disappearance.

2. I also checked what size he should approximately be (although there is not definite size, he is around the estimations).

3. He was sitting on what used to be his tank, and yes there are mice in there but I have many other mouse tanks in the room that would dead easy for a snake his size to break into.... yet he chose his old tank.

I can get photos of him and post them to show you how every one of his markings is exactly the same in case you are really concerned. =]
wow so glad to hear that you found him. aawsome story, you must be so thrilled!

Thanks, yes I was so thrilled!

This can be seen as a story of hope for those who have missing snakes: if your snake goes missing, never stop looking!

G'day Chantelle,

Snakes don't go back to their old enclosures...he was most definitely there for the mice. He probably is your snake - I know of a Carpet that turned up two years later at a guys place after he lost it, about a metre longer and sporting a few scars.

Do you have photo's of the snake, before and after it escaped?
G'day Chantelle,

Snakes don't go back to their old enclosures...he was most definitely there for the mice. He probably is your snake - I know of a Carpet that turned up two years later at a guys place after he lost it, about a metre longer and sporting a few scars.

Do you have photo's of the snake, before and after it escaped?

Lol, well okay then. Dot point number 3 doesn't count. Hahaha.

Wow, 2 years! That's amazing! =O

Yes I do have lots of photos of him before he escaped. There's a few feeding pics and a couple of him just chillin'.

I only have one photo of him after his return... but can get more. I think he's curled up in the hiding box at the moment though.

Oh, and I was surprised to see that he had no cuts, scratches, scars or anything else visibly wrong with him.
thats a pretty awesome story
glad he came back!
i don't know what i'd do if my mac got away
he's in a sliding glass enclosure now which he could probably open but just doesn't
maybe he's not that smart or maybe he likes it in there haha

i reckon it is yours though, when your attached to a pet you just know :)
there's things that just give it away that you pick up on subconsciously like movements, looks, scents etc.
Even counts for snakes :p
thats a pretty awesome story
glad he came back!
i don't know what i'd do if my mac got away
he's in a sliding glass enclosure now which he could probably open but just doesn't
maybe he's not that smart or maybe he likes it in there haha

i reckon it is yours though, when your attached to a pet you just know :)
there's things that just give it away that you pick up on subconsciously like movements, looks, scents etc.
Even counts for snakes :p

Thanks. =]

Yes, I was so shocked when he escaped - it really put a downer on my life right then.
I got quite depressed.

Lol, let's just hope your snake continues to like his enclosure! I think mine got tired of his, lol.

I certainly did pick up certain behaviours immediately, and in my heart I knew it had to be him.... but I was prepared for the heartbreak of it not being him. Thankfully the photos confirmed it was. =]
there is always hope.

Thank you!

Yes, never give up the search - because snakes are nifty little creatures and even if you think you've looked everywhere, they're probably still hiding!

yeah you were really lucky! haha
always good to have a happy ending to an escape story

Haha, I certainly was lucky. =D
I am also glad this escape story has finally found it's end.
The fact that it's a happy ending is still unbelievable!
I was just wondering cause your in a area with them occuring naturally,i wasnt accusing you of just keeping any snake that just turned up,im glad you have your snake back after his-her 10month holiday.It goes to show that some stories turn out alright for their owners,after 12months i would be giving up hope,a snake missing for 2 years and returning is unbeliavable....
I was just wondering cause your in a area with them occuring naturally,i wasnt accusing you of just keeping any snake that just turned up,im glad you have your snake back after his-her 10month holiday.It goes to show that some stories turn out alright for their owners,after 12months i would be giving up hope,a snake missing for 2 years and returning is unbeliavable....

I completely understand your reasons for questioning me about whether or not I was certain he was mine... I would do the same. I wasn't trying to be defensive, I was just trying to show you how I knew it was him. =]

I sure am glad he is back, and I am embarrassed to admit that I did give up hope of ever seeing him again.
Great story Chantelle...good to hear a good ending.

Don't be a wuss...spotteds even as adults don't hurt when they bite.
Great story Chantelle...good to hear a good ending.

Don't be a wuss...spotteds even as adults don't hurt when they bite.


Haha... yes, I'm being a big wuss. He's just so much more intimidating now.

I'll try to gather the courage, but any hand injuries could prevent me from doing my exams this week.

I would ask my boyfriend, but he was too scared to hold him even when he was itty bitty. Haha.

When I started to read this I thought, "Not another dumb story" but found it really interesting and have read straight throguh to the end.

You should contact Reptlies Australia Mag and send them a decent story with pics of the animal when it was young and pics now and the tnak etc. They just might publish it.

It's great you got it back. Thanks for the read.
When I started to read this I thought, "Not another dumb story" but found it really interesting and have read straight throguh to the end.

You should contact Reptlies Australia Mag and send them a decent story with pics of the animal when it was young and pics now and the tnak etc. They just might publish it.

It's great you got it back. Thanks for the read.

Thanks! =]

I'm really glad you enjoyed reading it!

I thought I would try to give everyone a quick background story on the situation.

Thanks for the advice - I just may contact them after my exams this week with a properly written story. It might give a little more hope to the people who have lost their snakes. =D
go and buy a lotto ticket, then when u win send me half cos it was my idea!

sounds like ur lucky as! :)
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