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Not so new Member
May 27, 2010
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okay guys,
im fifteen and your all probably thinking why is she stressing about jobs now, but i am.
now, obviously, i want to start a reptile buisness which is everyones dream. but how do i do it?
i understand ill need to get a full time job eventually to earn all the money i can, and work up from there.
But im not from the most wealthy of families, so buying tanks and more reptiles is also an issue,
i just need some advise. please.
thanks heaps, sammy.
You would do better to give that idea a miss and stick to working full time.
There are that many now dealing in products and reptiles and basicly there is very little margin in it by the time you pay a wage etc(workcover, insurance etc) and every time another simular business starts up thats less of the pie to go round.
There always comes a point where you have to decide to either try to make a career out of your passion, or to have a career and keep your passion as a hobby. The first choice is always inevitably hard, and there are many many years of making next to no profit. On the other hand, pursuing a career that interests you and gives the income you need to fuel the passion of your hobby is lucrative, and yields results much much quicker.

I agree - stay in school, go to uni if you want, and keep your passions as a hobby with the potential to make money from them, but not necessarily your primary income.
This may not be exactly what you want to hear, but here it is anyway :lol:

Head down, bum up at school.
Do well in all your subjects, you don't know at this stage where looking for your dream job will take you, but having good grades in all your subjects will help.
Imagine every subject at school being the doorway to where you want to be in life and embrace it.
If you have a Guidance Counsellor at school, make an appointment to go see him/her. If your mum or dad are supportive, see if one or even both will go with you.
You are going to Year 11 next year? The Guidance Counsellor can help you in your choice of subjects to cover most of the directions you are likely to need to go. Maybe you could go to Uni and study Zoology/Vet or related subjects?
Even if you can't afford to have numerous reptiles and enclosures, you can go to your nearest library and devour any information you can find.
Good luck. Its not too early to be thinking about things like this, the actions you take now could determine where you can go later.
Michelle :)
thanks guys.
a lot of people have been saying i should just make it a hobby too. so it might be my safer option.
though, i think i can do it. if everyone else can why not me.
Samboslice - I have had to make this same decision a number of times as I have been at uni - wildlife, photography, and even now, am considering dropping development work as a career but to keep it as a "philanthropic hobby". It can feel like a tough decision to make, but ultimately, I get more enjoyment an satisfaction out of these things as a hobby than I would if I had to worry about the extra complications of trying to run a business.

But hey! Go for it!! Nothing's to stop you when your 15!! :D (But don't drop out of school - I did that, too. Not my best move ever!)
thanks alot :)
i know i think ill talk to a few people in buisnesses get there point of view.
but its so stressful.
Don't be stressed - my partner and I were having a similar discussion the other day. At 13, his son is starting to wonder what he's interested in for a career. With 3 degrees and a job in Nam, I still don't know what I want to do when I'm "grown up". At 36, with 11 work experience in a high position, my partner wonders where he will be in 5 years, too :D But he's looking forward to breeding snakes when I get back ;)

It's a never ending question. Don't be stressed, especially at 15 - windows of opportunity open up all the time :)
its really difficult to make money out of breeding any sort of animal because it is so unpredictable. make money out of snakes you need a lot of enclosures etc and lots and lots of snakes.......they would go from being pets to a production line....and cleaning all those enclosures......i reckon all the 'fun' would go out of it.

if you love animals why not put head down and tail up and study to be a vet or a vet nurse ??

you are only 15 you have the world ahead of you.....perhaps some careers and personality testing might be useful for you. This is something I am doing at the moment for my Psychology Supervised practice. If you are interested in coming to see me for some guidance.....PM me and we can have a chat about it.


i am only 15 myself, and i am already on my way to wanting to make a business out of it (well kinda anyway) my plan is that by the time i am 18 (and going to UNI etc.) i will have enough of a collection going to support me througout uni (hopefully - haha) i have a job at the moment, making roughly $100-150 a week, which at the moment is enough for me to satisfy my kritters needs, as well as my own, as well as putting some away for a rainy day, herp-related purchase ...

i work in a cafe, its a good environment (most of the time) and i can go there after school and have a coffee (and it cost me nothing - mu ha ha ha ha ha) the pay isnt too bad, and it should keep me going for a while ...

the one problem that i have thought of with breeding herps as a business is that the income is only for a certain period of the year (when the hatchies are sold) ...
Hey, you know, if you're heading into VCE I can't help but wonder if VCAL's available to you... I'm doing my Certificate II in animal studies, working at a vet hospital and doing school.

You're in Melbourne so I can't see why not... but just remember there is a time to think about things realistically. Have a chat to your Career Councillor as mentioned and hopefully they'll tell you honestly what's possible and what's not (I was laughed at when I said I wanted to work with reptiles, but hey, he grounded me and I can understand why he suggested against it). Best of luck though and trust me... I know how stressful it can be. :)
i am only 15 myself, and i am already on my way to wanting to make a business out of it (well kinda anyway) my plan is that by the time i am 18 (and going to UNI etc.) i will have enough of a collection going to support me througout uni (hopefully - haha) i have a job at the moment, making roughly $100-150 a week, which at the moment is enough for me to satisfy my kritters needs, as well as my own, as well as putting some away for a rainy day, herp-related purchase ...

i work in a cafe, its a good environment (most of the time) and i can go there after school and have a coffee (and it cost me nothing - mu ha ha ha ha ha) the pay isnt too bad, and it should keep me going for a while ...

the one problem that i have thought of with breeding herps as a business is that the income is only for a certain period of the year (when the hatchies are sold) ...

Hate to burst you bubble young fella but a reality check is in order, Herps will not put you through Uni, By the time you take all husbandry costs out, plus power etc you wont have enough left to go even close.
Hate to burst you bubble young fella but a reality check is in order, Herps will not put you through Uni, By the time you take all husbandry costs out, plus power etc you wont have enough left to go even close.

Especially by the time you move out of home, pay rent, bills, petrol, transport, text books, and go to the pub after lectures :shock:

Keep your cafe job ;)
okay guys,
im fifteen and your all probably thinking why is she stressing about jobs now, but i am.
now, obviously, i want to start a reptile buisness which is everyones dream. but how do i do it?
i understand ill need to get a full time job eventually to earn all the money i can, and work up from there.
But im not from the most wealthy of families, so buying tanks and more reptiles is also an issue,
i just need some advise. please.
thanks heaps, sammy.

Hi Sammy,

It's a wonderful idea to turn any hobby into your business, I would say most people who are really into a hobby make some money out of it, however there are only a few who make a profitable full time business out of it. There is absolutely no reason why you wouldn't be able to do it, what you need to realise though is at the age of 15 and with no money, it is not going to happen over night and there is no point getting stressed over it. The best advice I could give is to finish school and get a job, then with the money from working a full time job, either slowly build a part time home based business or, save your money to a point where you can start a full time business. What you will likely find is when you are a few years older, your ideas will change along with your prioritise. There are not many small business owners making enough money to support themselves and their families comfortably.
Hate to burst you bubble young fella but a reality check is in order, Herps will not put you through Uni, By the time you take all husbandry costs out, plus power etc you wont have enough left to go even close.

obviously there will have to be a job on the side, the cafe job i have is in a small town (which is fine now- its where i live) but when i go to uni in sydney or brissy, i will need a bigger, better job and way of doing things...

i know that it sounds stupid and naive, a 15 yeaer old talking about herps putting him through uni... i know that herps is what i want to do, and i know its going to be a struggle, and i know that life is never easy, but i am going to try and make things work ...

sorry to get in a huff, but i hate people telling me that something cannot be done ...
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