Do Diamond Pythons eat Green Tree Frogs?

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2005
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I'm wondering if putting my sons adult sized GTFs in with my adult sized Diamonds if just a plain stupid idea? We want to put the GTF outside for the summer and the diamonds aviary looks like just the right sort of set up. I've not heard of Diamonds eating frogs but they are opportunists so dont want to give them an easy meal, and upset my son.

Bob, I wouldn't risk it.
On saying that...they have a GTF in with the scrubbies (I think it is) at Canberra Reptile place. can't remember the name??
The one at Gold village.
I remember reading (or atleast i think i remember reading) that Carpet spp pretty well only feed on endothermic prey once they reach a particular size. Frogs are ectotherms so theoretically you should be right. My experience has also been that adult size pythons (except childrens) don't feed on frogs. But there are exceptions to every rule.

I would be more worried about losing your frog inside the aviary.
It would be a good experiment!
I would say no they won't eat, but don't quote me on that!
Life in an avairy is different to life in the wild in certain ways.
It would be a good experiment!
I would say no they won't eat, but don't quote me on that!
Life in an avairy is different to life in the wild in certain ways.

I dont think my son would appreciate such an experiment. I can just see it now - I told you dad!!

Hopefully someone on this forum has already got the result.....
I dont think my son would appreciate such an experiment. I can just see it now - I told you dad!!

Hopefully someone on this forum has already got the result.....

The result would be dependent on each individual situation, and what occurred in one instance may not the next..
I think it would probably be OK

On saying that...they have a GTF in with the scrubbies (I think it is) at Canberra Reptile place. can't remember the name??
The one at Gold village.

I cant think of the name either, they have adult carpet pythons tree skinks and one with a death adder too.
Obviously no one can say for sure. I think if it were my Diamonds they would eat anything.
But I have tried with a coastal of about 3yrs which has allways eaten rats, the result was a bite but as soon as it realised what it was it spat it out.
This is probably due to what it was used to. I am sure if the snake was hungry enough it would eat.
But feed them & will be OK.
RULE OF THUMB answer is no .....

possibility is SLIM

can I say wont happen ever? NUP

Cause pythons have been known to mistake golf balls remember ;)
Come on someone must know this for sure!!

No one can say "for sure" that your individual animal will or will not do something.

The only way to be certain that your python will not eat your son's frog is to keep them separated.
No one can say "for sure" that your individual animal will or will not do something.

The only way to be certain that your python will not eat your son's frog is to keep them separated.

OK I'll put it another way. Has anyone seen or have hard evidence of a diamond eating a GTF?

When I posed this question I thought I'd get a straight answer.....but it seems I've asked a hard question!

Thanks redbellybite for your answer -seems to be based on knowledge, rather than speculation.
There was a journal article published a couple of years back that studied the feeding habits of Diamond Pythons.

I can remember reading that no adults were found to consume reptiles or frogs. I'll try and find it for you..

Either way, you still don't know what will happen.
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OK I'll put it another way. Has anyone seen or have hard evidence of a diamond eating a GTF?

When I posed this question I thought I'd get a straight answer.....but it seems I've asked a hard question!

Thanks redbellybite for your answer -seems to be based on knowledge, rather than speculation.
THATS OK BOB! .....if ya do try it ...add plants like different bromeliads ,our wild GTFs are always hiding in them and they also hold a bit of water so perfect for the frogs to hide in ....
I have seen Diamonds not only eat mammals, but birds, lizards and even other snakes. I can honestly say I have never heard of one eating a GTF, but it would not surprise me if one did. I would not risk it.
OK I'll put it another way. Has anyone seen or have hard evidence of a diamond eating a GTF?

When I posed this question I thought I'd get a straight answer.....but it seems I've asked a hard question!

Thanks redbellybite for your answer -seems to be based on knowledge, rather than speculation.

You are hard work, how many times do you need to hear, that it is unlikely, but not advisable....
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