The rescued Bredli - the saga continues....

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Active Member
Apr 12, 2009
Reaction score
Gold Coast
039.jpgFirstly some updated photo's of my princess Paschar which Im sure you will agree show a huge improvement in her condition... (this is the good news first bit)

now for the not so good news bit... (Or ideally Im worrying over nothing!) would love
what people think though.
On Saturday when I took her out of her tank for some 'real sun' time, I noticed that she had gone 'opaque' so I put her back her in her tank and I havent touched her. I have, however, been watching carefully. Some of you will remember her retained shed issues when she came to me and she is still not in what I would call 100% condition, so I am rather concerned on how she will go with this shed but dont want to interfere if I dont need to. I noticed tonight when she came out that the skin is starting to come away on her nose. Ive never actually caught my Stimson shedding and Im wondering how long this process should normally take? (roughly) what signs should I look for that she is having problems? what time frame should I begin to be concerned if she hasnt shed further? how quickly do I need to act in order to keep it as stress free for her so it doesnt become the issue it was when she came to me if there is a problem?
I am thinking it is best to prepare myself for difficulties as she has got some damage to her skin from the last retained shed. (nothing serious apparantly, just scaring that should heal over future sheds)
advice most welcome :)
Thanks team ;)
Found some great info and have decided to leave her overnight and see how she is in the morning, last check her whole head piece has come off and is now clear a little way down her back! HOORAY! fingers crossed that continues past her 'dodgy spot'! lol will let you know in the A.M. how she is looking :D (its very exciting to actually watch it lol)
I was worrying needlessly!! 100% complete shed... no issues!! Im so proud!! lol
Good news, mate. If worried in the future, just bump the humidity by misting the cage or putting the water bowl up the hot end. Good luck!
Lets see a post shed pic! Good news. I found my Darwin coiled asleep yesteday with a half shed, I woke her up and she shed the rest.....must have got tired haha
Paschar after shed 036.jpgPaschar after shed 032.jpgPaschar after shed 040.jpg
as requested :) Post shed photo's above

thought Id also add a couple of shots of when she first arrived for those who werent following the previous thread about my little survivor :)
iphone1 613.jpgiphone1 612.jpg
oh also... for those who werent following the previous thread... you are looking at photo's of a one and a half year old female Bredli, as you can tell she is very very little for her age. she had been kept on no heat and had been fed chopped up pinkies. when she came to me she had little strength and had a retained shed that caused some nasty issues for her.
She now eats velvet mice and pinky rats (usually two per feed) with no issues at all!! I am wondering if I should up her feeds now to the next size up. I have had her for... three months now I think... lol. I am over the moon with her recovery so far and she is without doubt worth every second and every cent thats gone into her recovery. She is so very placid and beautiful. I adore her. Im also loving the colours coming through on her now! I dont really know much about her colouring or anything so if anyone can tell me what she is 'labelled' as Id be grateful :)
She is a classic bredli, mate :) And a looker.

I would be feeder her a conservative 20% of her own body weight - even though she "should" be bigger for an 18mth old, if she's eating regularly now, there's no reason to try to get her "up to size", if you know what I mean. Over feeding will make her grow, but can also pack on fat, and lead to an overweight snake. I would just be following the normal guidelines for feeding - 20%, bit of a stretch to get her mouth around the prey item, leaves a bulge in her belly for a few days minimum...

It's so good to hear she's doing better!
I nearly typed, "It's good to hear she's gone to a better place", but it made it sound like the snake had died :shock: :lol:
LOL thats funny, Thanks guys.
Personally I think shes made my place a better anyway ;)
can I ask possibly a silly question... How exactly do you know if your snake is overweight anyway? I mean I kinda figure if the neck just behind the head is bigger then its head then it'd be OBESE lol but Im a bit concerned that my Stimson might be on the 'chubby' side. Ill see if I can find a recent full length photo of her to see what you think. - It was actually feeding day today so I snapped a quick one before she gobbled it lol. Is she fat? I think she might be? :S
feeding time 007.jpg
This is wonderful news dear little thing

I got a little jungle that had been 'neglected' not azs bad as your lovely bredli but he is small. Took ages to get him eating...but what I do is foor out food every time he poos I feed him....this way he can catch up but is not being over fed...and I agree with Kristy you want a small bulge for a few days....if you feed a food item that is too big all that will happen is a stressed snake and a longer time between feeds. Better to keep things moving I think....if you know what I mean lol.

She will catch up snakes grow for ages. and if you watch her you will see her hunting and that is also a good time to feed as you know she is hungry.....also youve got a fair way to go before she will be overweight...she still looks on the slim side to me...

Well done with her.....she is now very special


no your stimmy looks fine
you can tell a fat snake their heads look too small for their bodies....
Hey shep - Bredli looks great, doing very well.

Do you have a perch in the enclosure? they love to climb, my bredli is 95% off the ground.
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