outrageous comments in an article on snakes

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you guys make me laugh at how you carry on about things like this, isnt there better things to argue about ?
not everyone likes snakes ..............
you guys make me laugh at how you carry on about things like this, isnt there better things to argue about ?
not everyone likes snakes ..............

We're fine with people not liking snakes, its just we cant stand it when they kill them
People dont call out snake catchers to remove them because they usually charge outrageous prices, however im of the belief that if there is a snake in your yard, it was there first and its controlling the rat problem you wont realise you have untilthe snake is gone. We found a spotted in our yard being harassed by my dog so we moved it to another part of the yard where the dog cant get it. I love keeping an eye out to see if its still here.
People dont call out snake catchers to remove them because they usually charge outrageous prices.

Try calling a plumber or electrician out at 2am on a weekend or public holiday and see who charges outrageous prices. I get called out at those times regularly and only charge $60.
Try calling a plumber or electrician out at 2am on a weekend or public holiday and see who charges outrageous prices. I get called out at those times regularly and only charge $60.
I know that all to well too firepac .....for those whiney cry babies that carry on about us catchers having a callout fee ...give me ya number and I will ring you at all hours of any time and demand you put your life on hold cause I have a problem and then abuse you if you dare complain.....
Big wet to lead to increase in snakebites, warns veterinary association | Courier Mail Some comments on this :rolleyes:

John of Kewarra beach/Cairns Posted at 7:15 AM October 26, 2010
Every snake stupid enough to come in my yard is going out dead as a Dodo.My family and pets always come fist to these slimy parasites.They are the devil reincarnated.Every year about 2 dozen loose their lives in my garden.Good riddance !!!
Really john? Well I think you're a slimy parastite

Can not wait of Brisbane Posted at 1:33 PM October 26, 2010
Only one type of snake I like. A dead one. I find a shotgun to be the most effective weapon on them it works like fly spray. One shoot and dead.
OR you could call a snake catcher.

CG of Brisbane Posted at 2:25 PM October 26, 2010
I like my post shovel the best - nice long reach with a heavy timber pole. We have had to kill two browns since last week and have seen a big one but missed him with the ute. Can't leave them roam the property with kids and dogs around.
Really CG? You had to kill them? And you tried to hit one with a ute? What harm was it doing?

Dave of Brisbane Posted at 2:28 PM October 26, 2010
I can kill a dangerous dog that comes into my yard. I can even (in some circumstances) kill a dangerous human who comes into my yard. But if a lethal reptile appears I have to retreat and let it be? No way - they'll all get the shovel.
Dave. That really worries me

Bob Raider Grove of GLENWOOD Posted at 3:00 PM October 26, 2010
Cull the lot of them. They aren't any use for anything.
They're more use than you think Bob

tom, Posted at 3:55 PM October 26, 2010
like they say only good snake is a dead one
:rolleyes: Thats getting really old
Have you called wildlife services?

I don't know when she last killed one, but if she does it again and tells me about it she'll be in trouble, especially if it's a python! She doesn't care that it's illegal either... she may change that view if she ends up in jail for killing an innocent animal...
I sort of understand killing a venomous snake, but a python? C'mon!

tell me this.
someone who hates snakes so much, and if they saw them (like most people) they will go spaz and kill them to make themselves safe.
how on earth will they know how to know the difference between an elapid and a python ? cmon
tell me this.
someone who hates snakes so much, and if they saw them (like most people) they will go spaz and kill them to make themselves safe.
how on earth will they know how to know the difference between an elapid and a python ? cmon
I was replying to thalias post, she said her neighbours kill pythons even though they Know that they're pythons.
I don't know when she last killed one, but if she does it again and tells me about it she'll be in trouble, especially if it's a python! She doesn't care that it's illegal either... she may change that view if she ends up in jail for killing an innocent animal...

Damn straight. A nasty neighbour of ours learnt the same lesson when we busted him destroying lapwing eggs and trying to kill the adults simply because they nested in his yard. The kicker here was that he was hardly ever at the place, it was a holiday home. I believe he got whacked with a pretty decent fine there.
people these days like *** they move to the area knowing that theres snakes. but they move there anyway and then they kill the snakes. O_O makes me very angry.... if you leave the snakes alone there not going to harm you.
on my property we have 2 tiger snakes 4 copperheads and a whitelipped snake and we see them all often and they have never caused any harm.
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I dont look at venomous snakes as KILLERS ....I look at them as any other animal with the potential to be a KILLER if the reason comes to hand...I have seen petrified eastern brown snakes curled into a tight bunch hiding their little cute faces ,cause a big human was trying to hook them up and bag them to take them away to be safely re homed ..but to them I am a threat and they are scared as ...some will stand ground ,at first to fight but 99 % will flee to get away and hide ...if more people looked at them as scared animals instead of killing machines with no feelings of pain when disgusting cruel acts are done to them ,then maybe our beloved vens would get a better chance in life ...instead they get run over ,shoveled,shot ,boiling water poured on them,sprayed with chemicals ,petrol thrown at them and lit up on fire as they are fleeing away ,dogs made to attack them and the list goes on ..any other fluffy animal that got this treatment would make the headlines on news and TV and RSPCA would be involved but not in the case of our snakes..HUMANS OVER ALL SUCK!
I dont look at venomous snakes as KILLERS ....I look at them as any other animal with the potential to be a KILLER if the reason comes to hand...I have seen petrified eastern brown snakes curled into a tight bunch hiding their little cute faces ,cause a big human was trying to hook them up and bag them to take them away to be safely re homed ..but to them I am a threat and they are scared as ...some will stand ground ,at first to fight but 99 % will flee to get away and hide ...if more people looked at them as scared animals instead of killing machines with no feelings of pain when disgusting cruel acts are done to them ,then maybe our beloved vens would get a better chance in life ...instead they get run over ,shoveled,shot ,boiling water poured on them,sprayed with chemicals ,petrol thrown at them and lit up on fire as they are fleeing away ,dogs made to attack them and the list goes on ..any other fluffy animal that got this treatment would make the headlines on news and TV and RSPCA would be involved but not in the case of our snakes..HUMANS OVER ALL SUCK!

Exactly! I've noticed that some people seem to find it difficult to wrap their small minds around the fact that snakes don't think like people and if they do bite it's because they're terrified. I look at it from the snakes perspective. You are only a few inches high and this giant thing comes up to you. Since it's coming at you and not backing off it must be predator, prey doesn't come towards you. If this thing is a predator and it won't let you flee from it, you defend yourself or you die. So many people these days only look at things from their own perspective and never try to see it from anyone else's. I believe most people in this country are very uneducated about snakes despite the fact that we live in a country full of them; this is where selfishness comes in. We live in a world full of animals and they feel pain too. They are all here for a good reason and people need to learn to respect that. I think there should be better education about snakes and other potentially dangerous animals in schools so that people can learn the correct way to deal with animals rather than just mindlessly killing them just because they came into your yard which technically belonged to the snakes first.
Try calling a plumber or electrician out at 2am on a weekend or public holiday and see who charges outrageous prices. I get called out at those times regularly and only charge $60.

Yeah but you cant just chop up electrical cable or sewerage lines with a shovel :lol: Lots of people dont want to kill snakes, but at the same time dont want to spend heaps of money or put themselves at risk, i dont hold it against them i cant think any situation where i would call a snake catcher.
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